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Postby kmr » September 28th, 2006, 6:52 am

I figured I would start a journal too, since I haven't got around to starting one yet.... I just turned 36 yrs. "young". I have been married to my gorgeous, extremely intelligent, caring and successful husband for almost 12 yrs. I have been an R.N. for 12 years, my specialty being open heart surgery. I have also worked in respitory critical care and neuro science. I am the PROUD mother of 7 yrs. old twin boys, who both light up my life! I think of them first before every decision I now make in life. I recently moved from N.J. to P.A. Love it here! We wanted to have more property. Thought we bought a house on 15 acres, but just received the results of our official property survey and they informed us that we actually own a little over 16 acres (YAY...nice surprise)! I have also recently decided to be a stay at home mom for now. I felt I had accomplished most of my occupational goals (administrative wise and in different expertise areas). I really want to be involved in my children's lives as much as I can and be there for them while they're still at the age where they still want "mommy" around, and since I'm blessed to be fortunate enough to be able to do that for them, I am, because I know I can never get this time back with them once it has passed, so I am thoroughly enjoying it while I can. I want my old body back that I had up until 5 years ago! Went through some severely stressful situations, turned to food for a while, 80 lbs. later was the result. Learned many valuble life lessons. The experiences added to my wisdom, for which I am grateful for and will apply it to future life experiences. I am grateful that those experiences made me even stronger. I made it through them and am now able to enjoy the light at the end of that particularly long tunnel that I was meant to see myself through. It's true...what doesn't defeat you, only makes you stronger. That's about it for now. Love this forum and the people on it. Thanks :)
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Postby kmr » September 28th, 2006, 12:52 pm

Took my dogs for a really nice walk today. I stay on some of the quad trails my husband has made so I won't get lost. It's a beautiful day. Blue skies, the sun is shining, it's warm, but not too warm, mild breeze, the beautiful smell of nature while walking through the woods with my cherished pups. Something weird happened to me today. I made my L&G. It came out delicious. Grilled chicken and green beans. Weighed my chicken at 7 oz. prior to cooking and 1 1/2 C. of green beans ( that's a whole lotta grean beans)! Half way through enjoying my L&G, I became sooo full that I had to literally force myself to finish the meal.( and I can't remember the last time I had to force myself to finish any meal!) I thought if I didn't finish the portion of L&G that I'm supposed to eat, that it might effect my weight loss. My question to those of you that have been on the program longer than I is, ...can I just stop whenever I'm full next time? I know it might sound like a crazy question, but I don't want not having enough protien to effect my weight loss. Thanks...gotta go !
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Postby tlo » September 28th, 2006, 1:54 pm

Hello KMR, about time you started your Journal!!! Now I can keep tabs on ya :D Well as far as your L&G questions is concerned, I am no where near an expert and hopefully one of the veterans will chime in soon, so don't get me to lying here, but I do belive that in order to keep up with your weight loss, it is a good idea to eat all of your l&g meal. I know sometimes its hard, but it will pay off in the end. Good luck!!!
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Postby Serendipity » September 28th, 2006, 2:50 pm

I know there are posts somewhere about splitting your L&G. I think you're allowed as long as you split both parts, meaning if you can't finish your chicken, save some green beans, too, to have later. But make sure you get it all skipping.

Oh yeah, and the chicken is supposed to be weighed before cooking. I start with about 9 oz. and end up with 7.
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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » September 28th, 2006, 3:30 pm

Hey KMR! Happy to see you started your journal!

As for your question... I'm not sure if this is complient, but I've been spitting my L&G to 2 meals because the portions are way too big. I know, I never thought I would be saying that either! So I have about 1/2 or sometimes 3/4 for lunch and then I'll eat the rest in the evening, but I make sure I time it so that I can fit in the rest of my MF supplements and water too. It's been working for me. Hope that helps :mrgreen:

Thanks for giving us some personal insight on you! Lookin' forward to more of your posts.

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Postby kmr » September 28th, 2006, 3:30 pm

tio- Great to hear from you! :wavie: I was wondering what you've been up to! :D

Jo- Thanks for the info...I appreciate it. I'm glad you mentioned about 9 oz. raw coming out to 7 oz. cooked. I was measuring it 7 oz. raw, so I guess I was short changing myself on the chicken.

Thanks again to both of you and keep shakin! :yay:
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Postby kmr » September 29th, 2006, 6:46 am

Aloha Kanani,
Thanks for the advice! I love Hawaii......I had my wedding and honeymoon there. One day a want to return, but with my children, so that they can experience how beautiful it is there. :ukulele:
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Postby kmr » September 29th, 2006, 9:49 am

Journal time! :puter: ....I'm such a private person that I didn't think I would like this journal thing, but I'm starting to think it's good for me.
New NSV...I'm fully aware of how my weight gain began. You know how you're aware of something happening, but when it comes to prioritizing and your in the moment at the time, some things just have to get swept to the bottom of the list. 5 years ago that "thing" was me. Survival mode is a strong natural mechanism and some times you just do what you have to do at the time just to be able to get what needs to be done and keep going. 5 years ago, I was the "walking dead" literally. Forget a "full plate", I had 101 "full plates" and to juggle all of them I basically had to keep going non stop. 24 hours in a day was not even nearly enough. The strong willed person that I have always been...I thought I was unstoppable! Well to be able to keep going, my drug of choice was SUGAR. I figured it's not a "real" drug but it keeps me going and can't hurt me. I was WRONG. I would eat any thing fast and with tons of sugar in it to 1) stay awake and have energy and 2) I didn't have to stop going to eat it e.g. donuts,etc. I kept telling myself this is great I get my energy "high" without having to take drugs, the sugary carb laden food tastes great, and I've always been thin, (my parents were slender. mom 79 lbs. 5'1" could never gain weight as much as she tried) so I don't have to worry about getting heavy. It was great for a while. After some time I finally started to see the scale start moving upwards. My excuse to myself then was...Everyone tells you you look anorexic anyway so if you gain a few lbs., you'll still be a normal weight....The scale kept climbing... and by this point, there were so many other things I needed to take care of ( I won't go into the real personal stuff) that I didn't even care what I looked like at that point (my looks were secondary compared to the bigger picture at that time), as long as I was able to keep functioning at the crazy pace that I needed to, and was, at that point. I realize that sugar is a drug. I would come crashing down so bad from a sugar "high" that I wouldn't even want to get back up if I sat down. I would lose my train of thought in mid sentence all the time. I would instantly want to fall asleep. So many times, no matter how tired I was, I would purposely not sit down for fear of falling asleep. And who had time to sleep then. I didn't! Then I would literally need a ton more of sugar to start functioning again, and this became a viscious cycle for me. So I was thinking about it today and realized that since I started on M.F. and went through "DETOX" my first week that even if some weeks I don't lose weight, what's more important is that my body is on a totally even keal right now. I feel "normal" again. I no longer have the severe highs and lows. I don't have the severe mood swings (except for PMS time hee hee hee :lol: ) I'm functioning all day long at an even keal. My mind is no longer lethargic. It is clear again. And that feels so good. Especially when it comes to keeping up with my boys. I realize after all that ....what is really most important in life. None of it is materialistic tangible things, because those things can be lost as fast as you can obtain them. My mind is in a good place right now. Those are some of my current NSV's. :)
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Postby kmr » October 1st, 2006, 7:42 am

Handsome hubby :heart: came up to me this morning and gave me a big hug and kiss and said how very proud he was of me regarding how well I'm doing on the M.F. plan. and about how long I've been sticking with it. I haven't cheated at all. I'm not going to either because it's too hard to start over. Plus I like the way I feel now with my blood sugar being steady since detoxing from all the carbs and sugar. My new jeans I just bought are starting to fall off me. Will post my 2nd week weigh in on Wednesday. :)
Last edited by kmr on October 1st, 2006, 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sojourner » October 1st, 2006, 11:59 am

That rocks, kmr!
With support here and at home, you'll be invincible!! Good for you for not cheating!! I've never cheated either, but my doctor made me go off plan for a while to figure out an issue I was having with hives. Re-starting was really tough. Way worse than the initial start had been. Before the re-start, my rapid weight loss kept me motivated, but since it's been several weeks now, my loss is slowing. However, my re-start experience keeps me in check now. Getting back into ketosis is something I don't want to have to go through again, so I'll just stay here! It's all good!!

Keep up the good work, you're doing an awesome job!!


Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby kmr » October 1st, 2006, 1:01 pm

Thanks Sojourner! :D
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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » October 1st, 2006, 5:28 pm

I'm proud of you girl!!! Dontchya hate when get new jeans and bam! they start falling off cause you're getting too skinny!! What a dilemma! ;)

Yes, life is lovely when Hubby notices your progress! It makes you want to keep going and reach your goal....

Keep shakin' it!


P.S. - When you come back to Hawaii, he need to have a L&G luau!!!

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Postby kmr » October 2nd, 2006, 10:59 am

L&G luau sounds great to me! And I'm hoping by the time I go back to Hawaii, I'll be able to ware a two piece bathing suit on the beach again, and look good in it! :ukulele:
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Postby kmr » October 3rd, 2006, 12:00 pm

:puter: Joural to myself time: Having a good day. Tomorrow will be my 3rd week weigh in. I guess that means I have to break out with the new elliptical machine I bought several months ago and it has since turned into an expensive clothes hanger! Being that I gave away my last two treadmills my husband was not thrilled when I bought it, but I will now put it to good use. I have been walking my dogs like I always do, but I can walk forever as long as it's outside because I love nature so much. I love walking through the forrest or down to the pond or waterfalls. It's so relaxing. But when it gets real cold (I highly dislike cold weather!) and I have to exercise inside, I get bored quickly and I feel like a hamster on one of those wheels in a cage when I 'm on an exercise machine :treadjog: because you don't get the fresh air or the sights, smells, sounds, and you're really not going anywhere. But reluctantly after this week, I will start, because this week is supposed to be warm out like today is, so I will take advantage of the nice weather as long as I can. I haven't cheated at all. Besides my 1st week weight loss, I don't think I'm losing that fast. Now that my blood sugar is under control from detoxing on the M.F. program I feel great. Plus I love the people on this forum. I think I'm becoming addicted to it! Before joining I never went on the computer except for research or to check my e-mails. Now I'm on it alot and the laundry is piling up! So I better stop journaling and get some done! :lol:
Last edited by kmr on October 4th, 2006, 10:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby kmr » October 3rd, 2006, 4:23 pm

I don't know why, but all of a sudden I feel soooooo tired I could just fall asleep. It's only 7:20 pm! I don't know what is going on. That's about it. :snooze:
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