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Postby DonicaB » February 11th, 2008, 4:42 pm

KMR~ so glad to see you back. I restarted recently myself. I was very sorry to read about the loss of your mom. I lost my mom to cancer when she was 53. It has been a struggle. I wanted to encourage you to read a couple of books. They are both by Hope Edelman. One is called Motherless Daughters and the other is Letters from Motherless Daughters. I had to wait a while before I was ready to read them, but they truly were very helpful to me. You may not be ready for them yet, but if you feel the need, you at least know they are there.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know it is a difficult time.

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Postby kmr » February 11th, 2008, 4:50 pm

lifelovinaries, Hula, and Donica,

Thanks everyone for the warm "welcome back". It's good to be back. Looking forward to catching up with all of you. :goteam:
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Postby Diana » February 11th, 2008, 5:41 pm

Hey!!! :woohoo: Feels like old home week!! Welcome back, Kmr!
Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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Postby kmr » February 12th, 2008, 2:17 pm

Hi Diana! Hope all is going well. I LOVE your recent avatar pic! You look great! :wave:
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Postby Lauren » February 12th, 2008, 2:30 pm

Wow, KMR, it's so awesome to have you back! I am so sorry about your mom's passing, and hope very much that you and your family came together during that time. My thoughts are with you.

I am thrilled that you are coming back, just hop on board and ride the know the way, you've been here!

Let us know if you need any help.


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Postby MerryMary » February 12th, 2008, 3:05 pm

kmr wrote:Hi Everyone,

It's nice to see so many familiar people are still here and several people I haven't met yet. I'm thinking about trying MF again. Several things have happened since I last left. We finally finished the big addition we put on our home, I went back to work and started a new job ( to help pay off the new addition! :lol: ), I stopped smoking, and my mother suddenly past away at 61 yrs. old this past Christmas Eve. I couldn't stay on MF while I was a stay at home mom because the budget wouldn't allow it once we started the addition a while back, but now that I went back to work full time I'll be able to pay for my own MF products now, so I won't have to worry about not being able to afford it every month. I didn't want to start again until I was positive that I wouldn't have to stop because of financial reasons before I reached my goal. That would just be a big waste of money. I did gain back all the weight I lost and more, I have to be honest. I'm thinking about starting in 2 weeks when I get my 1st paycheck. I'll have to post a new "ticker". I look forward to getting back in touch with all of you and getting to know the people I haven't met yet.

Please accept my deepest sympathy on the loss of your Mom. Losing a parent is difficult enough but when it happens at Christmas time the sting can be even greater. Still, life goes on and it seems there is much hope in your future. Wow! a new job! a recommitment to health! That's wonderful! It will be nice to be present to your weight-loss process! Best of luck. :D
Started MF 11/6/06; reached goal 9/27/07.
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Postby MerryMary » February 14th, 2008, 4:46 am

Wishing you well! <img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket">
Started MF 11/6/06; reached goal 9/27/07.
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Postby GucciGoo » February 14th, 2008, 6:39 am

BETH formerly known as Dark & Stormy
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Postby kmr » February 17th, 2008, 11:49 am

Thanks guys for the Happy Valentines Day wishes! Didn't do anything for Valentines Day. Just went to work. Not even a card from the Hubby as usual, but whatta ya gonna do? :idontknow: I love the pics! Stormy.....You look like a professional model from a magazine in your inspirational photo! You go girl! :kool: I can't wait to start next week! :D Hope everyone had a great Valentines Day! :heart: Oh.......I lost 2 more lbs. on my own. I guess that's from not getting any Valentines Day candy ( hee hee hee). :roflmao:
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Postby katesmom » February 19th, 2008, 4:58 am

Jusy stopping by to say hello !

Have a great day !
Started 7/24/10
Can't wait to WIN this race !!
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Postby Lauren » February 19th, 2008, 11:52 am

Valentines Day? What's that? :-) Hey, I am all for ignoring a holiday that makes 1/2 the US population (ahem, that would be the single half) feel like total crap! haha

Sorry it was a non-event, but congrats a million times over on the weight loss! That rocks!

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Postby kmr » February 19th, 2008, 2:49 pm

Thanks ladies! :byebye:
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Postby kmr » March 8th, 2008, 7:38 am

Hi all,
Just wanted to check in and say "hi" to everyone. Haven't had time to come to the forum in a while. The new job and my life in general is keeping me very busy. Doing awesome on the diet this time. Being good and sticking to plan. I find personally I've been able to stick to plan if I'm not on the forum as much. I guess I don't think about it as much. I still love seeing how everyone is doing. I'll keep you all posted from time to time on my progress and when I reach goal. Wishing everyone all the best and happy holidays! :hatch: :bouncie:
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Postby GucciGoo » March 8th, 2008, 4:54 pm

YAY, we are both restarting at the same time!
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Postby Sojourner » March 9th, 2008, 2:30 am


Wow, I missed your return
but am so glad that you're
back and doing well! Grats
on the new job,too.

I can't tell you how good it
is to see your smiling face!

:heart: :hug: :heart:

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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