by Nancy » February 17th, 2006, 11:26 pm
Hi, Cynben ~
If you are diabetic, I can understand your concern about ketosis because people with diabetes must avoid ketoacidosis, a very dangerous situation. With the Take Shape For Life 5 & 1 Program, the dietary state of ketosis is so very mild, in fact it is only about 1/10th the level that would occur in a diabetic ketoacidosis reaction.
The program here is very safe - especially the diabetic program as it has slightly higher calories than the regular 5 & 1 Plan but in a totally balanced relationship when the meal plan is precisely followed - it preserves the muscle tissue, provides adequate energy, hunger is eliminated and weight loss will be steady and rapid.
IF a positive shows up on a keto strip, it is likely to be in the first few days/weeks of the program and yes, the level can certainly vary from showing nothing to a slightly higher level. Water/fluid intake can affect the reading. Many of us fall apart when we leap on the scale every time we go potty and get a different weight report so I certainly wouldn't recommend buying keto strips and having something else to worry about, for the average person, it’s pointless - it will not affect our weight loss rate and may affect us emotionally.
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit