Ketosis questions

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Ketosis questions

Postby auntielingo » August 6th, 2005, 2:14 pm

Hi! I have a few questions about ketosis.

How exactly does it work? I've read the manual, but I don't really understand what's happening in my body and how it protects the muscle tissue and keeps me from being hungry.

Does the timing of your shakes affect ketosis? One day, I couldn't get my second shake until about 2 P.M. (about six hours apart), and though I was compliant that whole day, I was starving the entire next day. I couldn't figure out why except maybe the timing.

How sensitive is a body in ketosis to non MF foods? I know that sugar will throw it out of whack, but what if I "accidentally" eat a little extra meat at my meal?

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Postby Jan » August 6th, 2005, 4:27 pm

Here's the information about Ketosis.

Carbohydrates provide the majority of our energy for day to day functioning. When you eat carby things such as bread or pasta, your body converts the molecules into glucose a desirable fuel for your body.
On Medifast, the low carb content forces your body to look elsewhere for fuel. This is because we are providing limited sources of glucose for your body.(through carbs)
Initially the carbs that have been stored as "glycogen" in your muscle cells provide fuel to run on. But, after 2 - 3 days these stores are used up and your body must continue to look elsewhere. Eventually it begins to metabolize the fat stores and use them as energy. ( this is what we want!!) :D :D
Now the fat stores release molecules called "free fatty acids" into the bloodstream. These are transported to your liver where they are converted into "'Ketones" an energy molecule similar to glucose. Your liver routinely produces a small number of ketones but the influx of free fatty acids prompts the liver to go into overdrive. Then it realeses large numbers of ketones into the bloodstream where they are grabbed by your brain and muscle tissue and used for energy. (the ketones are providing energy and your body is not burning anything other than fat -- it's leaving muscle tissue alone--before this on program your body was burning glucose -- again not muscle) :D
Once you start M.F. it takes about 3 days to build a ketosis level high enough for your body to start using ketones as fuel. Once you reach that point you will probably notice you have more energy and less hunger.
The ketosis level you reach is not high enough to be tested however. It is a very very mild level of ketosisyet very affective at fat burning.
Now to eating extras -- . Dr. Anderson told us that one little crouton can put us out of ketosis. :x It is a very delicate balance. Medifast is a medically balanced program
My advice to you would be to be totally compliant to plan, eat every 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours. Never go over 4 hours between meals. And realize every little thing you add (or deleat) causes real problems in the program. That is why we say "Don't mess with Medifast" :x

P>S. thanks for the review -- it was good for me to have to look someof these things up again -- refreshes the old memory. :D
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Postby auntielingo » August 6th, 2005, 4:54 pm

Wow! That's a lot of great info. Thanks for the response.
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Postby Sablebaby » August 6th, 2005, 6:41 pm

Hi Jan,

If it's true that one crouton can throw us out of ketosis, then how come in the success in the shaker jar says that having 3 tablespoon fulls of any food (like thanksgiving or special ocassion) probably won't . Your comment just reminded me of that. I guess it's either personal clinical experience with Dr. Andersen (or the author) or just personal feelings about it by them.
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Postby Jan » August 6th, 2005, 8:01 pm

Hi Heather,

Well, I can't speak for the Success in a Shaker jar author. I haven't met or spoken with her. All I know is when I was with Dr. Anderson during a certification class he cautioned us that one crouton could throw us out of ketosis. He made it very clear that we were not to fool around with the formula. Dr. Anderson is board certified in Nutrition and Critical Care so I go by exactly what he says. Plus, he's the medical director for Take Shape for Life and Medifast. I guess you really need to ask the author of Success in a Shaker jar to clarify because I can't.
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Postby Nancy » August 7th, 2005, 12:03 am

Timing of meals is very important. Your experience of being fatigued the day AFTER you ate less food is a prime example - often people report the same thing - energy declines, hunger increases.

It is far better to eat Medifast meals closer together than to go too long between meals. Never skip a packet; it is all right to eat a packet later in the evening, just before bed if needed.

If you are hungry, the best choice is to have another shake packet - much better than a piece of cheese or a hunk of cake, a spoonful of PB or a cookie. All the packets are nutritionally balanced.
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Postby Lisa Renee » August 14th, 2005, 5:10 pm

Okay, I asked this on another thread but really don't understand the answer. If one crouton can throw us off, then I would like to know if sugar free mints can also do this. Although they had zero sugar carbs, the label says it has 14 carbs--these are the sugar free lifesavers wintogreen I am referring to. Can this affect ketosis even if they aren't sugar carbs? I mean, aren't carbs, carbs?
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Postby Nancy » August 14th, 2005, 7:15 pm

I dunno, Strawberry.

I just never eat the stuff.

My philosophy is this: If it doesn't come in a packet with a Medifast label on it, why risk it?

I got by just fine for 7 months without one life saver, no fancy fruit flavored waters, just me and my Dutch Chocolate, Orange Pineapple shakes and my French Vanilla Berry Oatmeal. (oh, and a few lemon bars or oatmeal raisin bars.)
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Postby Lisa Renee » August 14th, 2005, 7:23 pm

Thanks, I appreciate the advice. I have stayed away from pretty much everything, so I understand your thoughts. I don't even order bars because I feel it's too risky. As you know, ketosis can cause bad breath and as much as I have been scraping my tongue, etc., I was looking for something I could use so that when my husband and I are have a close conversation, I don't blow him over with my toxic heard that blitz mints have less carbs and are made with splenda.. gonna check this out.
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Postby Nancy » August 14th, 2005, 11:14 pm

Darlin' ~

I really think the key is to drink plenty of water, brush those fangs and the tongue and since this is such a mild state of ketosis it is not the kind of breath that knocks a buzzard off a fence. You could always rinse your mouth with water to which a teensy drippy drop of peppermint or spearmint is added - be careful here 'cuz that stuff is potent!

Let us know what you find out about your Blitz mints!
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Postby AlexisClaire » August 15th, 2005, 1:42 pm

I just thank my lucky stars that Medifast allows some sugar free gum! If I didn't have my Trident I don't know what I'd do! Not just about the breath, but the strange semi-sweet taste in my mouth all the time. Anyone else get that? Especially when it's close to shake time?
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Postby Nancy » August 15th, 2005, 2:08 pm

AlexisClaire ~'re experiencing the sweet taste of success - you're in ketosis!

That means the flab is melting away! It's a GOOD taste! It's the taste LOSERS get! It means you are getting closer to your goal. :lol:
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