Ketosis Question

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Ketosis Question

Postby mellowmom » May 7th, 2006, 7:58 pm

Can one high carb meal throw you out of ketosis? Or is it the total amount of carbs in one day that will do it? In other words, if we have a carb goal of no more than 80 carbs per day and your lean and green was 30 carbs but your total for that day was still around 80 carbs would you still stay in ketosis? Just curious, honest. No hidden agenda...<img src='' border=0>

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Postby DogMa » May 7th, 2006, 8:01 pm

Actually, no. If you eat all the carbs within about an hour's time, it will have a minimal effect long-term. Dr. Atkins always said if you're going to eat carbs, eat them all that once, within an hour, to minimize the effect on your insulin levels.

If I weren't all packed up for my move, I'd find the quote from the book.

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