Ketosis Level

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Ketosis Level

Postby blakeneyp » March 1st, 2005, 12:35 pm


I checked my Ketosis level yesterday and it was high ( second to last color on the bottle). Today I checked and it has gone down - like 2-3 shades. Is this normal? What does this mean? :oops:

I appreciate any input!

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Re: Ketosis Level

Postby BerkshireGrl » March 1st, 2005, 12:41 pm


On Medifast, ketosis doesn't need to be measured. We go into a "mild" stage of it, not as high as those on say, Atkins.

Those little strips can be thrown off by many things, and are not necessarily any indication that you are not in losing-weight-mode. For instance, if you are dehydrated, your ketone level will appear to go "up" but really, your water level has just decreased and fakes out the strips. Same way in reverse - drink a lot of fluids - less ketone output ;)

Plus, those strips cost mad money! :shock:

If you are losing and following your plan, don't worry about the purple and pink readouts ;)
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Postby Unca_Tim » March 1st, 2005, 1:17 pm

Hi Blakeney,

There's lots of info here on the forum if you seach on "ketosis" or "ketosis and sticks".

Here's a couple for starters:
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Postby Nancy » March 1st, 2005, 3:41 pm

If you are following the meal plan in the Quick Start booklet – eating the five MF meals and the specific portion sizes of the Lean and Green, you will be in ketosis. You’ll know you are there because hunger goes away and your energy levels are good. There is no need to use keto sticks. As Berk mentioned, ketosis is somewhat static; fluid levels affect the readouts. Trust the program, it is designed to get you where you need to be!
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