Ketosis breath

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Ketosis breath

Postby Claudia » June 20th, 2005, 4:54 pm

Hi everyone, I'm one of those people that starts and stops and I can't seem to go beyond 5 days to one week. I have an embarrassing problem. My husband complains about how bad my breath is when I'm on this and I can't take it, so I start eating again. I try everything: brushing my teeth, mouthwash, breath strips, nothing seems to help. Does anyone else have this problem or is something wrong? Help! I really want to stay compliant and lose this weight. I am miserable. Any advice?
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Postby want2Bthin » June 20th, 2005, 6:36 pm


I suffer from the occasional ketosis bad breath & yes my husband & daughter tend to point it out! :x I just laugh & tell them it is out of my control. See, I would rather suffer from stinky breath that I know will go away then not get my weight off. So look at it as a good thing. Atleast you I both know we are for sure in ketosis!! :thumbup:

I know that having bad breath is really hard though- my older sister has suffered with bad breath for about 5 years & it is a real problem that never goes away for her even after going to tons of doctors. I am greatful that mine will go away.

Please don't let the breath thing stop you from doing this. Just say oh well & enjoy watching the weight fly off! :pigsfly:
Angelia :-P
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Postby victoria7 » June 20th, 2005, 7:08 pm

My breath smells like ROSES! LOL... No, I'm serious!

I started drinking rose water... Basically an iced tea that I made from Food Grade Rose Petals. I steep a large handful of the dried petals in water in a pitcher overnight in the fridge & voila! Then, I add some Splenda and, sometimes, a little daVinci's vanilla syrup or vanilla extract. Steep for a day in the fridge & voila!

It seems to help... :-) It also helps me get all of my water in for the day...
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Postby claudia » June 21st, 2005, 1:58 pm

Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone. It really means alot that people take the time enough to post a reply to my dilemma. I will try the iced tea and see how that goes. This is difficult enough without having bad breath to go with it. Anyway, thanks again everyone.
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Postby tumbleweed » June 24th, 2005, 4:58 am

Dinking lots of water seems to help me, the more I drink the less it is noticed. Also altoids has a sugar free mint now.
Wow victoria7 that rose water sounds wonderful, I am going to have to try that. :D
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