Hey, Kids ~
WHY are you wasting $ on keto sticks? IF you adhere to the program, if you are following the plan with appropriate portion sizes of the prescribed regular foods, then you ARE in a
mild state of ketosis. You'll also know it because your hunger will be curbed, your energy levels will be good and for the most part, the intense cravings will be gone. Oh, we still WANT food but we won't NEED it and sometimes ya have to do a lot of fancy talkin' to yourself to keep from succumbing to the call of the cupboards but you WILL be able to do it and you WILL be in ketosis.
This is NOT the Atkins Diet. In fact, this is NOT a diet at all. Diets don't work - if they did, there wouldn't be so many overweight people! This is a short term program designed to assist us to reach and to maintain appropriate weight levels and to maintain optimal health.
The Atkins Diet - notice the first letters of the word DIEt form the word DIE!
Atkins places you into a DEEP state of ketosis, which over time can be very unhealthy. It is NOT muscle sparing. Remember our heart and our brain is a muscle! Do ya wanna become brain dead?
I have a great brain! I always chuckle and tell folks that I think I must be taking Medifast PLUS Memory because I remember things so well! It bugs the puckies outta some of my friends who continually say they are "experiencing a senior moment."
Our plan IS muscle sparing because it IS carefully balanced - it is designed to assure adequate protein levels and the carbs are balanced, too. When one totally eliminates carbs or keep them at a very low level, one can become a carbaholic once they go off of the Atkins Diet.
Save your money. Why wouldja wanna do the Wee-Wee dip anyway? Blech!
Trust the plan, if you follow it, you cannot fail. You can fail to follow the plan, but the plan will not fail you. The program has been used safely for 23 years - your weight loss dream can become a reality. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
For a 55 year old woman, I look hot. I AM hot!