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Postby kendra_m » September 11th, 2006, 8:22 pm

Today was kind of a rough day, I'm not totally sure why. Yesterday was a b-day party for my mom's 75th, which I planned and orchestrated. It turned out really nice and she was very pleased. I did fair, not perfect, eating-wise. Had a shake right before I left for the party. Ate only veggies from the appetizer buffet. But I succombed slightly to cake. I ate about 1/4 of a piece. Which wasn't awful, but I swear, the sugar made me feel like I was hungover today. I started the day so sluggish and down. I did fine eating on plan today, but it was hard.
I guess that little part of a piece of cake was a smack on da head to not stray off the program.

I also made myself this new lil ticker, which I like... except that it constantly is reminding me of how far I have to go. Seems like an awfully long journey. I hope I can make it.

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Thank you

Postby ebony868 » September 12th, 2006, 7:33 am


First of all how kind of you to take the time to read and post to my journal. Support is so critical to my success and while my husband loves me dearly, he's fit no matter what he eats. He verbally encourages me, but has never been willing to really change his eating habits, so I have to seek support here online. Again thank you!

I of course am sorry to hear of your loss and am praying for you and your family's continued healing. I'm here if you'd like to just chat at anytime.

You have come so far, so don't focus on how far you have to go, but where you've come from and in such a short period of time too. The weight you've lost so far is definately an inspiration to me. Progress like that is why I made the investment.

Keep you chin up and remember it's not always where we're going, but what we've come through that makes us who we are.
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Postby Elizabeth » September 12th, 2006, 9:36 am

Kendra, you're doing great. Good for you for getting through the day after getting thrown off at the party. That is a great success girl!
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Postby kendra_m » September 12th, 2006, 8:02 pm

Gawd, i'm such a doofus. Despite having a great week last week, despite all the support I get here, despite the recent advice from my fellow losers about staying compliant.... what do i do??? I eat 3 pieces of pizza.
I feel like such an idiot... i was hungry, stressed, rushed and i convinced myself that it was an okay thing to do. I'm sure tomorrow, I'll pay the price cuz I'll feel like crud all day long.
Why o why is this such a struggle??

I think maybe I need to focus on the short term goals, one week at a time, rather than the end of the road. SO, I'm pledging right NOW to be compliant on the program every day from now until roll call on Sunday. I did it last week, surely I can do it again.

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Postby DogMa » September 12th, 2006, 8:17 pm

Good for you, Kendra, for getting right back to it. Don't beat yourself up TOO much about the pizza. Slips happen; all you can do is learn from them. Figure out what made you eat the pizza and find other ways to cope for the next time. This is a learning process.

Just don't let one slip turn into a day-, week- or month-long binge -- or worse. Get back on program and you'll be fine. (By the way, the pizza incident may actually have started from the cake the other day. Sugar will increase cravings ... and decrease resolve.)

If the ticker, or how far you have to go, bothers you, try setting some mini-goals along the way. They're much easier to deal with, and they allow you to see and recognize the progress you're making. Set up some rewards for yourself along the way, too. They really help.

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Postby kendra_m » September 13th, 2006, 5:04 am

Thanks Robin, for your words of wisdom. I'm back on today with renewed resolve. I think you're totally right about it all starting with the sugar from the other day.. it started cravings and withdrawal and I hadn't felt back in the groove since that.

THis is a process, I'm trying to not beat myself up but to learn from it and move forward. Thanks for the support, it helps a lot!

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Postby Elizabeth » September 13th, 2006, 6:14 am

Kendra, like Robin said "slips happen" We are not perfect but I sure understand how discouraging it is when we make the wrong choice after having success for a while. It is not the end. It is the beginning. The real success is you show yourself that you can pick up where you left off and continue without doing any damage. I know you can do it Kendra. We're all in this together. You are not alone. Have a great day!
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Postby kendra_m » September 13th, 2006, 6:16 am

Thanks Elizabeth, I think you captured the essence of the great gift that this forum gives to me.... not being alone in this. Thanks for your friendship and support :heart:

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Postby ebony868 » September 13th, 2006, 2:01 pm

Kendra hang in there. Is there a way you can occupy every waking hour with something to do that is away from the kitchen or food. For me just chatting out here keeps me away from food.

Find out what it is for you and do that anytime you think about eating. I know I'm a newbie and not really qualified to give advise, but I can tell you it's working for me so far.
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Postby kendra_m » September 14th, 2006, 5:10 pm

Thanks ebony, I appreciate the support!

Eating has been fine today, I've been 100% compliant, so yeaaa! For some reason tho, am in a funk. My youngest son got in trouble at school yesterday and today when I talked to the teacher about it, she was very defensive and pretty much crawled all over me. I wasn't even trying to defend my son's behavior, but wanted to discuss the punishment with her.
Strangely, things like this have really bothered me since my husband's death. It's like it brings home how not-good it is to parent by yourself, to not have some back up, to not be able to come home and know that someone in the world is in your corner. Today it felt like someone put one wooden block too many on my tower and it was tumbling over.
My job is pretty stressful, I'm a social worker and I work for a state agency that provides assistance to attorneys in death penalty cases. So it's pretty intense, which I like, but probably sometimes is too much for my own emotional health.
Am just venting....

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Postby kendra_m » September 15th, 2006, 8:24 pm

Today was a pretty good day. Totally compliant on the plan... yippeeeeeeeeee. Tho oddly, when it feels easy, I think I must be doing something wrong. How goofy is that??

Did fine at the football game tonight.... had a bar while I was there, plenty of water... and broiled a ground sirloin patty when I got home. Yum.

I wish I could fast forward the calender about 6 months.

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Postby kendra_m » September 15th, 2006, 8:29 pm

testing testing.... went to the ticker site to see what was up with my lack of ticker and it said their tickers were completely wiped out. Hopefully its working again..

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Postby DogMa » September 15th, 2006, 8:36 pm

Looks fine to me. And cool job (although I guess it depends on which lawyers you're helping!).

I'm glad you're having a good couple of days. Sounds like you're out of your funk for now. Yay!!

BTW, has someone mentioned the mood swings you can get from the release of estrogen in your body?

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Postby kendra_m » September 16th, 2006, 6:52 am


I'm not sure about the estrogen thing? Do you mean something specific to MF? If so, then no, I've not heard or read about that.
I guess it shines thru loud & clear in my journal that my mood has been like a flippin roller coaster! ;)

:hatch: Finding the new me!!
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Postby ebony868 » September 16th, 2006, 8:26 am


I'm sorry Thursday was such a bad day for you. I can definately relate. I love my job, but am getting a little burned out after 15 years of associate relations. Trying to figure out next steps.

Hang in their buddy and remember tomorrow's a new day, with new opportunities!

Glad to see your able to stick to the plan and you're losing! I'm averaging a pound a day, so you're having tremendous success. Focus on the WINS honey, everyday.

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