Hi people
Things are.. going.
This winter really kicked my ass mood-wise, but now that Spring is starting to show a tiny bit, I am much happier.
For MF.. I had a rocky month, mostly eating too little and having tastes of this and that. I am still having a hard time getting in all my meals. I am just not hungry! I enjoy the MF foods ok (all I ever eat is RTD, soup, bar, soupx3), but I just don't seem to want to have an L&G most days, and when I do, if it's anything heavier than cottage cheese and cucumbers and romaine or radicchio, I feel really sick, and 9/10 I have a killer headache in the night - next morning.
I had a bad stall, but I think(hope) it is passed.. I will hit 40# club at the end of the week, I am sure of it.
I am exercising too much, I get on the bike, flip on the tv, and just zone out. If I don't bike a good 20+ minutes per day then 1. I feel shit about myself, and 2. I don't sleep as well or have as much energy the next day. Today I did 400 calories - in 2 sessions: 150 + 250. Not really sure what to think about that.
I am so looking forward to joining a gym to start doing a weight lifting circuit or nautilus circuit. I am too embarassed to go now at the weight I am though.
Anyways, things in general are looking up, even if the scale isn't dropping as fast as I would have liked. I am trying to take joy from the small little things that are changing for me (i.e. being able to get out of a chair without having to 'hoist' myself by using my arms..), and continuing to keep my eye on my goals.