It's been a long while I've not been here, I've thought about alot of you many times, but changes in my life both good and bad made me spend much less time on the computer!
I quit Medifast last summer, even though the program was working for me.. I quit for 2 reasons, one, I was scared I would lose all my weight and have to have surgery to get rid of extra skin, and two, because I decided that weight loss wasn't really a main goal for me anymore.
Instead, my goal changed, to be in shape enough to play basketball again this fall. I reached that goal 2 months ago

I started with a trainer 3 days a week last September, in December I switched to 6 days a week, and I've been doing that ever since. I picked up swimming in February, now I swim every day too (except roughly 3 days out of the month). I bike, I walk, I skiprope 500x a day (BEST cardio ever!), I have energy I haven't had since I'm a kid. Even I don't eat medifast anymore, I kept with the 6 meals/day.. it's working well for me!
I don't know how much weight I've lost. I haven't been on a scale in months. But I do know that I've lost 46.75 inches from my biggest measurements and I'm down 14 dress sizes to a size 20. Even there's still alot of fat on me, after 11 months with the trainer (who has also become one of my best friends and a sort of counselor to me through my breakup with Jeremy), I can actually see muscles in places... my clavicles made an appearance finally.. my shoulders have definition.... it's bizarre actually, after so so many years of looking like I did, to look in the mirror and make myself see the changes instead of just seeing who I was a year ago.
I used to read people here, talking about how they'd become addicted to the gym, and I thought they were complete nutjobs

There was no way *I* would ever get addicted... but.. it happened.. and now my new goal is to be able to complete a sprint triathlon in Ottawa next spring