Kelly C

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Postby Tawanda » March 1st, 2008, 7:48 pm

Congratulations on entering the 30# club!!!
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Postby lifelovinaries » March 2nd, 2008, 1:03 am

yay kelly! Congrats on the 30# and smaller sizes! You are doin' this girl!

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Postby katieb920 » March 2nd, 2008, 8:31 am

30# you are rocking it girl. Keep it up. I can not wait to see pictures in your summer dresses. <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">
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Postby KellyC » March 6th, 2008, 9:47 am

Thanks you guys :)

Unfortunately, I had a bad Sunday and celebrated my 30# loss with a day off plan. It didn't seem to hurt me as far as I can tell, I maintained that 30# plus lost about 0.5 more (during the week I tend to weigh every day, but I take the numbers with a grain of salt... for some reason, I always show a good loss on Saturday mornings, maybe because it's my sleep late day).

Just a poor decision, I didn't do it for any reason other than I was feeling rebellious I guess. I had lunch out with my sis in law and a friend, then dinner out with Jeremy. Salad with Jess and Karen, this was probably OP though I don't know about the sauce. Chicken wraps with Jer, which was really not on plan, it had basil mayo, turkey bacon, cheddar cheese (probably not low fat) and of course the tortilla itself was off plan.

I was lucky I had no problem going back on plan again on Monday, though the hungries hit more often than not.

I am still struggling with getting all of my meals in. What seems to happen, every day, is I fall asleep shortly after getting home from work, just after meal 4. By the time I wake up, I am late for meal 5, and then I don't want to have meal 6 at all. I forced it last night and went to bed feeling grossly full.

I know I really should just reschedule everything to maybe an hour earlier, have 2.5 hours between meals instead of 3 hours, but it always seems like I can't eat on time at work. I have my first 3 meals at work, the 4th as soon as I get home, then 5 and 6 in the evening. Meals 1-3 are always out of whack, depending on what ends up on my desk during that day.

Still feeling really out of place in the world too. And this week, I have been suffering severely from homesickness. I am almost exactly 4 years in Montreal, not visiting home once, though I have been to visit my Grandma twice a year since I came. I'm not sure if it is the weather - we broke the record for most snowfall recorded last week, and since then we've had another 2 feet, with another 8-12 inches expected this weekend, and another 6 or so expected next week. In Augusta at this time of year, the dogwoods and magnolias should be starting to bloom.. the city smells wonderful (if you are one of the lucky ones not affected by pollen allergies).. and everyone is in short sleeves. Yesterday, I had to shovel my car out of 3 feet of snow in order to drive home (thank heavens we have indoor parking at home though, and the condo maintenance clears the driveways!!!).

I don't really miss my parents, brother and sister, who don't really want anything to do with me (I'm a heathen liberal yankee now).. But I do miss how it used to be I guess.

None of this is to say I'm not happy in Montreal.. I am truly truly blessed to have found Jeremy, and his amazing, incredible, loving family. I have managed to figure out how to legally have a full time job even though I am not a legal resident here yet, we have 2 fantastic pets and great friends. I am closer to my Grandma than I have ever been, both in physical distance and in our relationship.

I am clearly in a place in my life, emotionally, mentally, to be able to follow a plan to lose weight for the first time in the 10 years it took me to gain all of this.

I just need to remember those things I suppose.. and maybe this displaced feeling I have will eventually go away.
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Postby AmazonQueen » March 6th, 2008, 10:05 am

We too have had alot of snow here in Wisconsin so I understand the cabin fever feeling everyone where you are may be having. I'm glad to hear that you are able to be close to your grandma and Im sure it probably means alot to her to have you visit! Hope your journey keeps going well and a very happy one too!
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Postby Mike » March 6th, 2008, 10:42 am


Your inner strength inspires us all. Keep at it and you will get there (no matter how many bumps there are in the road). :mrgreen:
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Postby KellyC » March 10th, 2008, 7:38 am

15" on Saturday! The roads are still a nightmare, it took me an hour to get to work... and I only live 10km's away! I would have walked, but, the roads are so bad, they haven't cleaned the sidewalks yet.

Rough weekend on MF.. didn't have all my meals on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Plus, I've realized, I don't like meat anymore. I like the taste, but where it came from is really bothering me lately. The only thing I can seem to eat that was once alive is tuna, everything else makes me gag.. literally. I can't even eat eggs, all I can think is that it is scrambled up baby chickens. Cheese, for now, I can still get down, but it is so high fat I feel guilty eating it. I could have the 4% or 7% cheeses I guess, but the consistancy is so weird, I may as well eat rubber. Guess I will be going to the store today for tofu.. I like tofu I guess, pan fried with a bit of sesame oil and soya.. but we're supposed to have so so much of it (15oz I think??), I don't know if I'll manage.

On the other hand, I am craving vegetables like mad.. I am having more than I should, but I am careful with the sauces, so I can't seem to care. I ate 4 lebanese cucumbers last night (these are the small ones, not gigantic like english or hothouse cucumbers), 1 with garden veggie cream cheese, the others just half peeled and speared, sprinkled with sea salt and cracked pepper.

I have no idea if I lost or gained or maintained last week.. I am so ambivolent about the whole thing. I quit measuring too, for the past 2 weeks.. and I haven't tried on smaller pants in a while either, so I don't know if they fit yet or not. I just can't seem to make myself care.. which is maybe a good thing, maybe it's better than obsessing over every ounce, every centimetre. It's hard enough to get in all my meals, I just don't seem to have the energy to worry about much more than that.
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Postby Tawanda » March 10th, 2008, 10:12 am

Kelly some how I missed your post on the 6th. Just wanted to send you a hug :hug:. Wish I knew something to say that would help you.....but I don't.....but I do care and will be thinking of you.
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Postby Mike » March 10th, 2008, 1:59 pm

KellyC wrote:I could have the 4% or 7% cheeses I guess, but the consistancy is so weird, I may as well eat rubber.

Sometimes we need to go back through our lists of items that we can have to refresh our memories. There are PDF's of the Quick Start Guide and the Meatless Options available. I try to stick with lowfat cheese (2% or less). Cottage cheese is a great option. I know Kraft makes a line of cheeses using 2% milk... and they are good.

Keep at it Kelly, don't get discouraged and everything will fall into place.

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Postby KellyC » March 11th, 2008, 7:25 am

Thank you Tawanda.. I appreciate it! :)

I checked out the full list of Meatless Options as you suggested Mike, there were things on there I had forgotten about, like Boca burgers.. which I do like very much.

I'm deleting the rest of this because even though this is my journal and I should be able to say what I am feeling and/or thinking, I realized that this can be a really touchy subject for people, so I'll just keep it to myself.
Last edited by KellyC on March 11th, 2008, 7:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby rodeomom » March 11th, 2008, 7:35 am

I just wanted to chime in on the "eggs thing". I am not trying to be mean or anything, I just want to fill you in on a fact or two. Eggs from the store have never been fertilized and have absolutely no chance of ever becoming a baby chick NONE. There is nothing "living" about an egg from a hen that is not near a rooster and that is the case with eggs from the grocery store. What you choose to put in your body is your choice and you do have many choices in this day and age. I just wanted to make sure that people realized that eggs are NOT baby chickens.

Remember Kelly - I am your buddy and I am here for you!!! Lots of love and hugs!!

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Postby KellyC » March 11th, 2008, 8:03 am

Thanks Bren.. I'll have to wiki the thing about the eggs to understand it better, I don't know anything about farm stuff. =)

And I realize this stuff is highly irrational.. but I have alot of irrational fears.. like when my leg falls asleep, I am always afraid I will break my ankle or something because I didn't feel it.. I'm afraid tripping on the stairs and knocking out my front teeth.. :?
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Postby AmazonQueen » March 12th, 2008, 6:52 am

Hows the cold air up there? Its starting to melt off here in Wisconsin so I'm sure spring will make it your way soon! Maybe you could try egg beaters as they dont come in the egg form so you wont really think of it as the same?
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Postby Tawanda » March 25th, 2008, 6:15 am

Kelly-----You were missed while quiet! Please don't think you weren't. The hit or miss with opening threads and posting has been so frustrating. Just like this morning--I read a few posts and then when I tried to post, I ran into error messages, I fought to reload the page for about 5 minutes--then found that the message had posted even though the error messages came and it looked like nothing worked. I can't deal with this today so I'm giving up and just hoping it will iron out soon.

Thinking of you!
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Postby dede4wd » March 27th, 2008, 2:59 pm

Just stopping by to say hi, and say how are you doing!

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