by KellyC » August 27th, 2007, 4:54 am
I'm pathetic, I have been on and off Medifast all summer.
I KNOW that it works, I've seen the results.. my sister in law whom I see almost every day, and my best friend who I see every week, sometimes twice a week both commented on how I've lost weight.. but yet I keep going off it.
My first excuse was that I ran out of food, and being in Canada, TSFL doesn't deliver here. Mike and Diana were so nice to have my order delivered to them and then they repackaged and sent it here, but I miscalculated the time it would take for shipping by almost 2 weeks.
Then, my summer has been just plain crazy. I am up at 5 am 4 days a week to care for Tristan. 5 days a week (which include those 4 I keep Tristan), I work from 1pm-6pm. So by the time I get home, I am exhausted, but still have to cook supper for me and Jer, clean the house, spend quality time with the cats (who are hugely depressed since I'm now gone 15 hours a day), take a shower and wind down to sleep. By the weekend, I am fried! It is all I can do to drag my butt out of bed before 11am on Friday, Sat and Sunday.
But, I find that on the days I'm super busy with Tristan + job, I stick to MF with no problems. I get all my water in plus more. In the evenings, I want to overeat, but usually it's just with vegetables. So, I eat my L&G, wait 30 mins and if I find I'm still really hungry, I'll have an extra 1/2 or 1 cup of vegetables. I'm sure this is bad, but since I have such long days, for now, I'm willing to take that chance.
Anyways, I got a new job, in the States actually, but which I can do from home via phone/internet (customer service). So, starting 18 September, I will have a very busy, but a STEADY schedule, which I'm so much looking forward to! I'll be working 730 to 1 at my job in Montreal, then heading home and working 2pm to 11pm for that customer service job in the States. I will be very busy, but I find I am happier when I am busy like that, I don't overeat and it's so much easier to stick to MF.
So anyways, that's what's up with me. I've been lurking through the summer, keeping up with people, but rarely posting myself, mostly because I'm so ashamed that I've not kept to the program.