Kelly C

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Postby Mike » June 22nd, 2007, 12:38 pm

Okay Kelly. Where are ya? You should have that slammin' laptop by now. Hope all is well. Hope to see ya here soon.
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Postby KellyC » June 28th, 2007, 4:51 pm

OK, laptop came last week.. but to be honest, I've been avoiding this place because, simply, I'm not on plan.

I keep saying tomorrow, tomorrow, and then nothing.

I"m eating healthy, mainly fruits, veggies and chicken, but I know.. I KNOW that I need to start back up with Medifast.

I don't know what the heck is going on, I just can't seem to make myself do it.

To be blunt, I don't have the strength to start on a weekend. There is too much free time... there's Shabbat dinner.. it's just too much to have to say no to all at once. Starting at the first of the week, makes much more sense.

I'm pathetic, I know. I know all of this, but it still doesn't seem to matter to me.

The reasons I want to lose are so far in the future, it seems like I am putting this on myself, but in the end, I'm still not going to be able to have what I really want for a few years.

I don't want to continue with this (the post I mean) because I can see it is the start of a downward spiral in which I just whine and moan and in general have a crappy attitude and think/say things about myself that are not constructive.

I'm going to do my damnedest to start this tomorrow morning. I'm going to have a healthy L&G tonight, and no desserts or fruits.. maybe a sugar free popsicle if I feel the need.

My SIL is making fish for Shabbat... salmon actually.. so I'll have leftover rotisserie chicken and a salad.. I might not go to Shabbat at all actually, a friend wants to go to the Montreal Jazz Festival.. if the weather is nice, it would be a fun evening out, I haven't seen her in like 2 months, it would be nice to have a girls night out.


Shake for BF
Bar for 2nd
Soup for 3rd
Half salad for snack if necessary
Shake for 4th
Soup for 5th
Half salad and leftover rotisserie for L&G

Lots of bottled water, few diet sodas, sugar free pops, pickles all in fridge.

I have a plan.
Surely If I have a plan, it will work, right?

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Postby Tawanda » June 28th, 2007, 6:23 pm

Hi Kelly, you are where I'm afraid that I would be if I go off plan. I have a horrible track record of doing well at a diet (or program) and then something will happen and I'll go off the diet/plan/program--never can get going again. That is why I'm so adamant about me being compliant and patient when I see the same number on the scale.....I know that if I give up, go off program, that will be the end of MF (most likely).

I hope you can find your way back onto the program. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and keeping my fingers (mentally) crossed for you.
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Postby Mike » June 28th, 2007, 7:05 pm

Hang in there. I know where you are... we've been there. These is no best time to start... you just gotta do it. There are always reasons to come up with for reasons not to... but there are even more reasons to do this.. right?
Congrats to you for making a plan... stick to it and you will get there. :mrgreen:
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Postby bikipatra » June 29th, 2007, 3:22 am

I know you want this so I really hope you can dig down deep and just get some time under your belt, 3-4 days, because you know it will be easier then.
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Postby Tawanda » June 29th, 2007, 7:38 am

Good morning Kelly!

Thinking of you and hope you'll let us know how you are doing today. :)
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Postby KellyC » June 29th, 2007, 11:02 pm

Well, I did it.
Thank you for good thoughts, y'all. They were needed!

I'm not going off plan again, ever!
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Postby Mike » June 29th, 2007, 11:08 pm

That' why we are all here. Have a great tomorrow.
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Postby Sojourner » June 29th, 2007, 11:19 pm

WooHoo, Kelly!!!
Ain'tcha proud??
I'm proud for you!


Now, let's GO!!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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Postby Tawanda » June 30th, 2007, 6:36 am

KellyC wrote:Well, I did it.
Thank you for good thoughts, y'all. They were needed!

I'm not going off plan again, ever!

Kelly, congratulations on making that tough decision and sticking to it! It is hard to get back into the groove of a certain plan/program when you've gone off of it and it is much easier just to stick to it until you hit goal. Lizabette says something about not letting that first bite cross your lips---and it is oh so correct for many people (for me! :lol:).
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Postby KellyC » July 3rd, 2007, 5:16 pm

still keepin on..

Today my SIL went back to work. Since I only work part time, I was recruited to care for my favorite (only) nephew while she's at work, since he's still too young for daycare (must be 18 months here). So, he's enrolled for next year, and in the meantime, he gets to spend every weekday from 6am to 1pm with his super fun auntie kelly.

I thought it was going to be a nightmare.. I've seen this kid at least 5 times a week since he was born (my SIL lives next door), and let me tell you.. he is SUPER attached to his mom.. he doesn't like to go 5 minutes without her, even with his dad.

So anyways, it ended up going really great, he even slept, which is a big accomplishment, he has never gone to sleep with anyone but his mom. And after nap he was all smiles, and we had a really nice time. What a relief!

Keeping Tristan makes it easier to stay compliant I find.. I'm hungrier because I'm more active, but it's easier to stay distracted and not get the boredom munchies.

Crossing fingers this continues (both with baby and with MF), and today wasn't just a one time thing!
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Postby queenielou » July 3rd, 2007, 5:28 pm

Hey Kelly,

Tristan sounds like he's as much fun as he is cute - which means he should be tons of fun :) Glad to hear you're still on plan. We started at almost the same time so I feel like we're in it together. Take care.
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Postby holberry » July 3rd, 2007, 6:11 pm

Good for you Kelly, staying on plan!
and what a sweet sister in law you are :heart:
keep up the good work, its all worth it.
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Postby KellyC » July 5th, 2007, 1:09 pm

I think my arms are going to fall off..
Having to lift a 25 lb baby 100 times a day is making my arms sore as hell.

Nothing else is new. Day three of total compliance.

Oh, and I'm on a Greys Anatomy kick.. everyone has been telling me since show came on the air that it was great, but I never watched it.. when I was in library the other day, I saw they had season 1 and 2 on DVD.. I'm almost finished with Season 2 and I'm completely hooked...

....and totally in love with george o'malley. mcdreamy is way overrated. mhmmm.
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Postby queenielou » July 5th, 2007, 1:18 pm

Every time I see your name I want to sing Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly like Zach did that time on Saved by the Bell :)

So you'll have perfectly toned arms in no time, thanks to Tristan? That's an excellent side benefit. Glad to hear you're on day 3. Keep up the great work!
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