Thanks to all of you for stopping in and cheering me on! Way to stay compliant Suzy!!
Well, got up at the crack of "Biki hour" at 4:30 a.m., met my sister at her house at 5:00 a.m. and drove 15 minutes to go to the spinning class...guess what? had been cancelled because the woman is out of town!

They apparently don't update that info on their webpage! I had to work last night and didn't get out til 11:30 p.m. and didn't get to bed until about midnight so that's only 4-1/2 hours sleep....I feel for ya Biki! So we're going to call next Wednesday to make sure she is there!
Had a good night at work.....drank my water and didn't pick at the wings.
I'm going to have my daughter take a "during" MF pic so I can compare it with the one I took in January. I just hope to see a change! Then if I get brave I will have Unca post them for me.