Well wing night was busy as hell!! I was exhausted at the end of it and I have to work tonight too!

I haven't been working Thursday nights and I have been really enjoying it off. Some b-day party going on tonight. Taking my shakes with me cuz if there's a time when I'm just standing around that's when I get myself into trouble. Also, have to work Saturday nght to prepare the Prime Rib dinners. I am going to be very tired at the end of this weekend. I only have one more Saturday to work because we don't serve prime rib dinners for the rest of spring and summer. Also, I don't work on the weekends once we are able to get the motorcycles out.
Some new NSV's from my DH.....I was standing in front of the fireplace and he says man your butt is getting small....you must about be done (losing that is)...if only he knew I had over 30 more to lose and maybe more. He also said he'd have to pay a little more attention to me...not sure what he meant by that, but I'll take it. At first, I thought he was just sucking up to me because he needed a haircut, but he told me he was being serious. If you knew him, you would know he's a real smart ass! So that was nice to hear. Later, when we were laying in bed (I won't disclose everything!) he told me he loved me and he knew he doesn't tell me that enough. Wow, I should have stayed on MF the first time and lost my weight..didn't realize how rewarding it can be!