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Postby Karli » May 27th, 2009, 7:53 am

Hey Katie, exercising and eating right is definitely a very valid way to lose 4#s !! I once saw this Saturday Night Live episode where they were acting like an info-mercial trying to sell a diet program to this woman. All the salesman had on him was a small sign that, on one side read : "Eat Less" and on the other side it read : "Move More" ... ha ha. That's seriously the extent of the losing weight gig in terms of behavior changes ! Anyway, keep rockin' it :).
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Postby nickieluv » May 27th, 2009, 8:13 am

I've tried to get my husband off caffeine - no such luck. But I did switch him to half-caf when he was doing MF and he said there wasn't much of a dfference. I think it's Folgers that sells a half-caf coffee. You could try it?
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Re: Katieb920

Postby katieb920 » August 28th, 2009, 7:27 am

Wow the only thing I can say is I am really depressed. I have gained everything back. I let the summer food take over my body. My feet hurt, my acid reflux is back and is worse, and for a minute there I lost all interest in myself, and my husband. My husband actually brought it up last night. That I have changed, that I do not smile anymore, that I snap at everyone including him and my son. And that I am not the happy person I use to be. We sat and talked for hours last night. A lot of crying on both parts. I explained to him that it was not him that it was me. That I am so embarressed about my weight. That I do not even want him to hold me.

Here is the weird thing, when I lose weight, John gains weight, When I gain weight he loses weight. It is very odd.

I am so confused right now. I honestly keep saying I am going to start tomorrow. Well Today is tomorrow. And I have had my first shake. I am really going to try.

Talking to husband last night really opened my eyes, I am miserable, tired, lazy, fat, disgusted with myself. Right now I do not like myself that much. I can not believe I have gained everything back.
But today I am going to change that.

I am not going to make ridiculous goals. I am going to lose 10 pounds at a time.

Wish me luck. :D
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Re: Katieb920

Postby Tawanda » August 28th, 2009, 11:05 am

Oh Katie, I'm so sorry that you are so sad. I've been sitting in my pity party puddle for months now. My home and life is no longer in my control and I dislike what direction it (life) has gone. I do not have the power nor the complete desire to change what has happened (I want to offer my child and grandchildren a safe and comfortable home until they can get back out into the world on their own) so, I do okay with the stresses and changes.....then don't so so well. My way of coping is to run to food. I hate what I've done and, yes, as the weight has been regaine my symptoms of overweight return (sore knees, sore feet, self disgust and anger). I'm upset with myself and I'm upset with the world.....

I hope you'll find your way back to control and I'm hoping/praying for the same thing for me.

Don't give up......it is worth the fight. :hug:
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Re: Katieb920

Postby oksoonergirl26 » August 28th, 2009, 8:18 pm

Katie-I am sorry that you are feeling so bad. The 10 pounds at a time is good thing, small easily attainable goals! I understand everything that you are going through, been there done that and it is hard and it totally drains you. I am happy that you recognized what was wrong and you and your husband are working through the issues together. I wish you best of luck! Keep the board updated!
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Re: Katieb920

Postby katieb920 » August 29th, 2009, 7:27 am

Hey T, and OK

Thanks so much your words really helped. Knowing that I was not the only one going through this. It is really hard. I tried really hard to be on plan, and it was not good yesterday. But I started again today. I have to say I can not wait until Matthew goes back to school. Him with all of his friends over here does not help. So once again I have had my first shake for today.

Wish me luck.
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Re: Katieb920

Postby katesmom » August 30th, 2009, 5:52 am

Hi Katie !
I can SO RELATE to how you're feeling. I read your Friday post and I said outloud OMG that is how I feel ! My Dr. wants me to consider gastric bypass but I refuse, and want to be here and do this weight loss with all of you ! I too feel tired, angry, fat, frustrated and disgusted !!

I am here TODAY, to make my first HONEST step in the right direction...I will check in here every day and we can comisserate together ! I'll focus on the first 10 pds too !

So glad to hear from you and to be back here ! :)

Pam :) :hug:
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Re: Katieb920

Postby katieb920 » August 31st, 2009, 5:32 pm

So I am happy to report Day 1 is done Not 1 Cheat

Do have a headache. But that will pass. I also did not have my afternoon coffee. I am trying to avoid it.

Wish me luck on Day 2
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Re: Katieb920

Postby oksoonergirl26 » August 31st, 2009, 7:07 pm

Good Luck! One day and one MF meal at a time!
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Re: Katieb920

Postby Tawanda » September 1st, 2009, 2:28 pm

Hi Katie, I'm on day 2 today.......this is only about my 300th day #2 (or so it seems).......but this time my mantra is "I can do all things with God beside me". Today would have been my father's birthday, a bittersweet day that normally would have me turning to food for soothing.....not happening today though!

Headache---yep, day 2 headache is with me, too..

I hope your day 2 went well....
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Re: Katieb920

Postby katieb920 » September 1st, 2009, 6:37 pm

Day 2 done No Cheats..... Very tired...... Matthew starts first day of school tomorrow. Wow 6th grade.

Excited for day 3
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Re: Katieb920

Postby Tawanda » September 2nd, 2009, 6:01 am

Good for you! My day 2 wasn't without cheats (yeah, I bowed to stress once again....darn me!!!!). I'm so happy for you that you are doing this. I will follow in your footsteps and get this done (again and forever), too.

So very glad you are here and sticking with the battle.
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Re: Katieb920

Postby katieb920 » September 2nd, 2009, 2:23 pm

Day 3 Going really well.... Headache. But I am still holding good, water intake is really bad.....................
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Re: Katieb920

Postby Karli » September 3rd, 2009, 12:20 pm

Great job, Katie !! Hope today is going greatly :).
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Re: Katieb920

Postby katieb920 » September 5th, 2009, 6:12 am

Day 6 still going strong. But water intake stinks. I am not going to rush with this life change. I just know I have to do it. My son is so overweight it is killing me. I have to say the one nice thing is John is dieting so there is no choice that Matthew has too. Because when I go grocery shopping I do not buy the crappy stuff. I am the reason they are heavy, I take full responsibility for that. Because when I am not dieting I buy all that crap. When I eat healthy they eat healthy. I do have some cookies (animal crackers), pretzels, and popcorn. But that is for Matthews lunch box. They are not that high in fat or calories.

Yesterday was my hard day to stick on plan but I did. I went in to 12 restaurants and they all were cooking wonderful things. But I stuck it out and today I feel great about it. I think I am over that little hump and on way to victory.

I have decided I am going for a realistic goal for today and that is going to be 150. I have always said I have wanted to be 130 but that seems so far away. And so not real. I went through a lot of my clothes and saw a bunch of 14's and I was like oh my gosh i can not wait to get into them, they look so tiny. I have not been in a 14 since 1999. Last year when I lost the 65# I was so close getting into 14's I went out and bought a bunch of them. So that is my first big goal. Getting into 14"s

Well it looks like it is going to be a great labor day weekend, I am off to a party later today with the family. Wish me luck.

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