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Postby Susie Q » February 4th, 2009, 2:35 pm

katieb920 wrote:I was reading on other websites about people exercising. And I was shocked out how much weight they lost each week. Some people were saying 5lb a week for like 6 weeks straight. I never did like to exercise, and I still dont, But I think after the 21's I am going to start walking again.

I'd LOVE to check out these websites - - how inspiring!!! Which ones were you visiting??

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Postby nickieluv » February 5th, 2009, 4:23 am

Hijack part two - to Robin - my dad bought my sister these gloves for Christmas that plug into a USB port on your computer and heat up your hands. I have no idea where he got them but I thought that was the coolest thing. Fingerless, of course, so you can still type, but maybe that would help? I know he got them online, I think they were around $20.
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Postby katieb920 » February 5th, 2009, 6:28 am

No Problemo on the hijack......

Today starting Day 4. Did the tylenol one more day because I can tell I am not full. And I am going to be crabby. I am doing really well otherwise, getting my liquids in. Gosh sometimes that is all I feel like I am doing is going to the bathroom. I know it will get better but geez.

Today is a pretty busy call day for me today. Hopefully people will start ordering again. So my date to start exercising is going to be February 22. (and when I mean exercise that means walking :lol: )
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Postby Susie Q » February 5th, 2009, 6:49 am

katieb920 wrote:No Problemo on the hijack......

Today starting Day 4. Did the tylenol one more day because I can tell I am not full. And I am going to be crabby. I am doing really well otherwise, getting my liquids in. Gosh sometimes that is all I feel like I am doing is going to the bathroom. I know it will get better but geez.

Today is a pretty busy call day for me today. Hopefully people will start ordering again. So my date to start exercising is going to be February 22. (and when I mean exercise that means walking :lol: )

It never dawned on me to take Tylenol for the early grumps! That's a fabulous idea!! Congrats on DAY 4!! You're moving right along!!!

I walk too for my excercise on a treadmill. Its easiest for me cause I'm really dumb when it comes to knowing how to work out!

Hope today is a great day!

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Postby katieb920 » February 8th, 2009, 8:01 am

So I have only lost 6.2 for the first week. I met up with some of my high school friends from 18 years ago. All I can say is I went off program. I had 2 beers and a pastrami sandwich. I knew I was going to go back on Saturday. I am not beating myself up over it.

So here is some very upsetting news. My mother in law come s up to me yesterday and tells me that we need to talk. So she pulled my aside so matthew could not hear. On friday Matthew came home friday crying. It turns out when Matthew was getting dressed after gym kids were making fun of him. (Matthew is a little bigger) sad thing is it was from some of his friends. (kids can be so cruel). My head started spinning at that point and I started to cry. This is all my fault. My family is going to get healthy if it is the last thing I have to do. I will never let that happen again. Everything is out of the house. Except for animal crackers and lowfat popcorn. That is there snack. I went out and bought about 100 doallars
of fresh veggies, fruit, granola. It is going to happen.

I am sorry you had to read this, but I feel like I can get support here. John and Matthew are off for a hike. It is 55 degrees today. John is on board with me. One thing we also did is we are pre plating our dinner and only making enough for 1 6" plate.
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Postby nickieluv » February 8th, 2009, 6:12 pm

I'm sorry that had to happen to your son. I know that I went through that all as a kid and I never want my kids to suffer that kind of teasing. I mean, all kids get teased about something, but I don't want it to be about their weight. I'm glad the whole family is on board but I'm sorry you had to deal with the pain of it. It will only get better from here. It's not all your fault, and it will take all of you to fix the problem, too. Much love to you and Matthew. :heart:
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Postby katesmom » February 8th, 2009, 7:28 pm

Hey Katie :)
Glad to see you back ! I just read your journal and I am sorry that your son had to suffer the remarks from insensitive kids...

My daughter is 9 and she is about 40 lbs overweight, and the pediatrician was great...She said it's all about high fiber low fat foods for the kids.. I too feel responsible due to some of the previou foods I was buying before I was back on plan... Interstingly enough, just by changing what I was buying her for her lunches and snacks she has lost about 5 pounds... It's so hard as she comes from a family (both sides) that can gain weight by just looking at food. Good job getting rid of the junk...I did too and now my DH eats more healthy too !

Great job on your losses...It's great to be back here isn't it???

Take Care and You'll be in my prayers... :hug:
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Postby katieb920 » February 9th, 2009, 4:48 pm

Today was a little hard today. Did not cheat but I can tell you I am going to bed early.....

Thanks everyone for the support over Matthew. He worked out on the elyptical today for 30 minutes while john walked on the treadmill. I feel so bad for him. He is only 10 and going through this. My husband and I are disagreeing on one thing though. Should we weigh matthew. I say yes John says no. I think we should weigh him once and like in a month weigh him again. John says no because if he only loses 6 pounds Matthew will be upset. My thing is I have no idea how much he weighs and I want to know where he is going. What do you guys think.

Well I am off for a little bit.

Have a great night everyone.
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Postby nickieluv » February 9th, 2009, 6:29 pm

I don't know if this will make me popular, but I agree with John. I think you will be able to see changes in Matthew, and you don't need to assign him a number. As time goes on he will feel better, and the success will build on itself - and I think if he only loses two pounds in the next month that's still great. He's just baby still, really, and it is awful that he's having to go through this but my heart tells me that making him 'weigh in' will make things worse.

On the other hand, as a kind of compromise, maybe you could make an appointment for a physical with his pediatrician. They would certainly take his weight and other measurements like blood pressure and that type of thing, and then in a year he could have another checkup and see how he's progressed.

I understand wanting to know how much he weighs - my daughter weighs herself almost every day because she sees Mommy do it so much - and probably Matthew is old enough to decide for himself how he wants to track his progress.

It's a toughie - good luck with the decision. I know whatever you decide it will be based on your love for him, so it will be the right choice no matter what. :) :heart:
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Postby katieb920 » February 16th, 2009, 7:34 am

Hey all

I know I have been MIA. It has been a little hectic with valentines day and all. MY restaurants are so slow. .So i have been hitting the pavement trying to find new restaurants.

Everyone is sick in my house even my cat kendall has the sniffles.

Hope everyone is doing well
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Postby katesmom » February 16th, 2009, 7:39 am

Hey Katie !
Great to see you posting !
Yeah, it's a little slow here lately...

Hope all is well with you !!

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Postby katesmom » February 22nd, 2009, 8:23 am

Hi Katie,
Hope you are well...
Have a great day ! :)
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Postby katieb920 » February 24th, 2009, 6:47 am

On and off on and off.

Well I am going to try today. Not good on the homefront. Matthew is still so upset about his weight. Last night they finally one a game in Basketball and nobody through it to him. Because he was not fast enough to run down there and get it. He came home crying. We have been eating a lot healthier. But the exercise not that great. We decided we are not going to weigh him. I think that would just hurt him even more.

Wish me luck
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Postby nickieluv » February 24th, 2009, 7:20 am

Good luck Katie. It sounds like you really are having a tough time emotionally at home. As long as Matthew knows you love him no matter what, that will give him strength even though he's sad about the way his peers are treating him right now. And you know, when kids hit puberty they tend to shoot right up and grow into their weight a lot, too. Not always, but in my experience with kids I find it to be pretty common. Definitely keep up the healthy home environment for him, and things will be fine. I'll be thinking of you.
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Postby katieb920 » February 26th, 2009, 6:23 pm

Day 3 doing okay. I am feeling good. I do feel that the bars do not satisfy me. The dutch choc shakes really makes me feel full.

I do like the taste And I do have them for when I do want to eat something. Water intake is not where I want it to be. I usually drink a gallon. But I can not even drink 8 glasses.

Matthew is still sick. Hopefully he gets better tomorrow.

Another day down. Many to come.
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