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Postby katieb920 » September 2nd, 2008, 3:30 pm

I went to a aqua park yesterday with my son. And let me tell you I was so out of shape. I did not have any upper strength, this really helped me wanting to do this more.

I am very tired. It is to be expected though. I wish I could give up coffee, but I am not so sure right now.

Well I will check in later tonight. Have to go with my son to his new school. I am going to cry my baby is getting so old. 7 1/2 years he goes to college <img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_19_2.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D36%252F36_19_2/image.gif">
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Postby nickieluv » September 6th, 2008, 6:42 pm

I hear you - they grow up so fast. Everytime my daughter dances with her father (you know, the whole baby-girl-on-daddy's-feet kind of dancing?) I get misty because I can picture them together on her wedding day. I'm a dork, I know, it's at least 20 years away, but I can't help it. I hope your son likes his new school.

Also, we went to an amusement park two weeks ago and it was so pathetic - I couldn't get off one of the rides without the attendant helping me. EMBARRASSING!!!! Never want to have that experience again.... So I'm glad you were just tired and not humiliated. :roll: ;) :mrgreen:
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Postby katesmom » September 15th, 2008, 8:09 am

Hey Katie !
Here's to a great day #2 !
Drink that water !
Three hours at at time !

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Postby katieb920 » September 15th, 2008, 1:51 pm

Headaches are starting....... Which stinks but I know at the end it is worth it. On my 4th supplement. Only had 6 cups of water so far. Last night I woke up 3 times to go to the bathroom. I am not as tired as I thought I would be.

Wish me luck. Tomorrow is my hard day. Have 4 appointments with chefs tomorrow

PS Matthew and I are so excited. Biggest Loser is on tomorrow at 8.
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Postby Tawanda » September 15th, 2008, 3:29 pm

Good for you Katie! Stick to it---you are on your way, you almost have the toughest time behind you!
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Postby katesmom » September 15th, 2008, 4:28 pm

I've had the headaches too, but my TOM is right around the corner, which will help me stay compliant. I usually get wicked cramps so won't feel like eating anyway !

Keep on going Katie !

You're doing great !

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Postby DogMa » September 16th, 2008, 9:46 am

LOL. Nice to know I'm not the only one excited about Biggest Loser's return. Except I'm guessing the premiere is two hours, so I won't be able to talk about it with anyone for a couple of days - it's my first choice for watching on the treadmill.

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Postby nickieluv » September 16th, 2008, 11:22 am

We don't get BL until Saturday here - they're pre-empting it for a stupid Yankees game. Who, I ask you, cares about the Yankees when BL is starting up?!?!? I'm so jealous of the rest of the country that gets to watch it tonight. Hope it's great!
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Postby DogMa » September 16th, 2008, 1:53 pm

It's spouses vs. parent/adult child teams. Who they say are at a disadvantage because so many of the parents are old and have more medical issues. Hardly seems fair.

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Postby nickieluv » September 17th, 2008, 5:56 pm

Day 4 a success? Doing well here!
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Postby katesmom » October 1st, 2008, 5:29 pm

Hey Katie
How are you? Traveling much? I wanted to say hello and see if you'll start posting again !

We can all benefit from the support here...

I would hate to see this forum dry up...

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Postby katieb920 » October 12th, 2008, 1:27 pm

So Where do I begin. I am a restart once again.

There have been so many excuses why I should not start again. But none of those excuses are making me feel any better.

I went down to delaware to visit my father and i could not even get out of bed today because i was so tired, and my legs hurt.

I keep saying oh I will follow weight watchers and exercise. YEAH RIGHT......... That never happens. I always say ok tomorrow. Then I say it is too expensive. BUt really it is not....... I always end up going out to dinner, going and getting a quick bite to eat when i am on the road for work. So I tallied how much I spent and it was alot more then MEdifast food. Then on top of it my family eats crap when I eat crap.... And that is just not right. I am bringing them down with me and I do not want to do that.

I know this program works. It is just getting through the first week that is hard..... Then it is smooth sailing. I feel like a failure right now. But tomorrow I am going to be a winner. I am going to fight this battle. I have too.

Thank my friends

I will weigh in tomorrow. I do not want too. But I have too.
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Postby dede4wd » October 12th, 2008, 3:22 pm

Believe me, I've been right where you are right now! You're so right about just making it through the week! I found that once I really powered through the first week of this (final) re-start, I started to feel so much better and my determination was renewed!

You are SO not a failure! When the switch gets flipped and you start your final re-start...we'll be right here, walking beside you, cheering you on!
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Postby katieb920 » October 13th, 2008, 12:40 pm

dede,,,, Thank you so much for your continued support. I have to do it. FOR MY HEALTH

I am on day 1 of my umpteenth time. Getting ready to go on my 4th supplement. HEADACHES ARE STARTING TO SET IN....

I am drinking a ton of water.
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Postby dede4wd » October 13th, 2008, 5:39 pm

You can do it, I KNOW you can!

You KNOW the first couple of days might suck, but you also know, once you make it into the Medi-zone, it's smoother sailing!

Go Katie, you can do it!!!!

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