Oh my sweet daughter, i am so PROUD of you with your walking enthusiasm
It's SO much fun when you're doing it others..same thing with my areobic classes...i enjoy them much better in a class setting.
Boy, your sis will surely be surprised when she see's you looking so FABBBULOUS!!:+)))...sounds like it will be such a FUN trip!...and good luck to Matthew with his first baseball game..that is just TOO cute!..and by the way, what a WONDERFUL tribute to your mother and father-in-law walking for the American Heart Association. It will make you feel soooooo GOOD, and they would surely commend you for doing that in there honor:+) I plan doing the same with the MS walk with regard to my little girl Errin...she will be walking too, for how long i can't tell, but she'll sure try:+)
LOL, i always use to eat an extra SoyChip or two too
Love'ya daughter,