Hey everyone.
Wow had so much fun at the harlem globe trotters. It kind of gotten a little hairy at the end, Matthew wanted a hgt basketball. I told him no it was too much money. 25.00 (thats not the reason) IF it was just Matthew and us I would of bought the ball for him. But his friends were there and they did not have any money. And I was not going to buy 7 kids a ball.
Hey Mary, yup that is the way I do my medi grub. I hate things in Boxes. You should see my pantry everything is either in containers or ziploc bags. I do not keep cereal in the boxes I have them in rubbermaid containers.
So I started today. I am up But I a know what I did wrong. My husband and I were invited from my chef to go out to dinner last night.
So here is a question, I do not know if it is me or if anyone else does this. When you go off program Why do I stop drinking my water? I end up drinking diet coke, coffee, maybe I will have a seltzer. Does anyone else do that.
Another question My husband thinks I can keep the receipts from Medifast and claim them at the end of the year. I told him no. But my husband thinks he knows everything.