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Re: Katieb920

Postby katieb920 » January 31st, 2010, 7:00 am


I am so excited to report a loss of 3.2. It was a extremely hard week for me though. With Me being extremely sick on Monday and Tuesday. Friday was probably one of the worse temptation days I have ever had. Started off great Then I went in to one of my restaurants. This restaurant has been written up by a dozen magazines as best burger in NJ. Well there the chef was making burgers for his staff (family meal) and said you have to try this. I said no thank you. BUt the entire time I was there I was doubting myself. I should just stop this nonsense and go back on weight watchers. I stuck it out on friday. I went to bed at like 8pm, just so i did not ransack the pantry. Saturday was OK. We did drive through the Taco Bell drive thru to get Matthew those new low in calorie and low in fat tacos. Went home trying to fix my printer that took 4 hours of my life. And it still does not work. But then my husbands friend came over and took matthew and john out to eat at carabbas. Matthew begged me to go, And I told him I just could not eat there. That there would be to many temptations. And I am so glad I did. Because the scale was very nice to me this morning.

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Re: Katieb920

Postby wildtrk » January 31st, 2010, 8:37 am

Nice job!....no one said it would be easy. And the longer you go the easier it is to say no. I am headed to a Cleveland Cav's game this afternoon. It will we easy for me to say no since I can't stand paying $6 for a dinky order of nachos. :)

Hope everyone has a great day! I am off to run some errands, but not before a trip to the scale to see how much more I have lost since I woke up.
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Re: Katieb920

Postby Joy » January 31st, 2010, 1:45 pm


I am so happy for your loss this week! Great job. Hope the cheat free continues too. I admire you knowing your limits and not going out to eat somewhere you are not yet ready to go.

Hope you will have a wonderful week,
joy :exercise:
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Re: Katieb920

Postby katesmom » January 31st, 2010, 2:48 pm

Congrats on your loss this week Katie !!
Perseverance won.....Yay !!
I have Mucinex and will try some tonight !
Let's prepare for another "cheat free" week !
Spring and Summer are coming whether we are ready or not..So let's be READY !! :D

Have a great night...I have been to Carrabbas in the past (like 4 yearts ago) and you made the right choice.
I would not have been able to resist their Mussles in White wine !!

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Re: Katieb920

Postby Susie Q » February 1st, 2010, 5:26 am

wildtrk wrote:Hope everyone has a great day! I am off to run some errands, but not before a trip to the scale to see how much more I have lost since I woke up.

:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: OK, that comment had me PIMP!!!! I thought I was the only one who did that! HYSTERICAL!!!!!! :heart:
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Re: Katieb920

Postby Susie Q » February 1st, 2010, 5:30 am

CONGRATS on the terrific loss!!! But an even bigger CONGRATS on making it through a tough week, overcoming temptations and staying focused on your goal!! The mental victories add soooooooooo much!! I'm really happy for you - - I could hear how proud of yourself you are in your post! That rocks! I hope this week is better for you and ends with a solid loss too!

Susie :heart:
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Re: Katieb920

Postby katieb920 » February 1st, 2010, 6:48 pm

Thanks everyone. I am tired. It is only 8:42pm and I am exhausted. Today I had the hungries really really bad, My stomach was full of nots. So I made the descicion to have my lean grean for lunch, AND IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME 3 cups of romaine. And my 7oz of chicken strips that I get in the freezer section at Sans Club I think Tyson makes it.. And I found my wishbone ranch light dressing. It was the best. But what makes it the best is before i use to just microwave the chicken, and it would be all rubbery, now i put the frozen chicken strips in a pan, saute until each side is brown then dice it up. OMG can anyone say heaven I love it I could eat that every day.

But otherwise I am on the road tomorrow. I have already packed my lunchbox. So I am all set.

Hope everyone has a great night.
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Re: Katieb920

Postby Susie Q » February 1st, 2010, 7:06 pm

I LOVE IT when I have the hungries!!! I know that sounds strange but.... the scale is ALWAYS good to me the day after a hungries day of I stay OP and do as I should! It's odd but true! I hope it works the same for you!!!
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Re: Katieb920

Postby oksoonergirl26 » February 1st, 2010, 7:34 pm

Katie-you are seriously inspiring me to stop cheating and get back on plan! You are doing totally awesome! I hate the cold too, and I live in Texas-where it isn't suppose to get cold, but for some reason it has been miserable since Christmas. I am just thankful that we didn't get the snow and ice.
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Re: Katieb920

Postby katesmom » February 2nd, 2010, 4:40 am

Hey Katie !
Awesome determination you have !
Great choice to have L&G at lunch...
I do that more often than not, and it helps.

Have a great OP week !
Let's make roll call another victory !!

Pam :)
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Re: Katieb920

Postby lifelovinaries » February 2nd, 2010, 8:15 pm

I'm so happy for you katieboo! Another day down. Lots of days, my L&G is exactly what you described. Actually, tomorrow, I will have 1c baby spinach, 1c romaine and 1c spring mix with the chicken (heated up in the pan) and my newest favorite dressing ~ Kraft light 2 cheese ranch. My mouth is watering now thinking about it. I usually take my L&G for lunch but if i am not too hungry i just have a supplement and save the L&G to bring home and have for dinner. Tonight for dinner was steamed broccoli and baked chicken. Since i have to cook for my son anyway, I like to be able to sit down and eat with him.

Susie Q wrote:I LOVE IT when I have the hungries!!! I know that sounds strange but.... the scale is ALWAYS good to me the day after a hungries day of I stay OP and do as I should! It's odd but true! I hope it works the same for you!!!

that's usually how it works for me too, which actually kinda worries me because so far this week, i have had to FORCE myself to eat, i haven't been hungry at all!

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Re: Katieb920

Postby wildtrk » February 3rd, 2010, 8:41 am

lifelovinaries wrote:Since i have to cook for my son anyway, I like to be able to sit down and eat with him.

That is the toughest for me. I usually eat my L&G for lunch, but I think it is important to still sit down at the dinner table with the rest of the family and hear about everyone's day. It is just not easy to do drinking a shake or like last night a glass of water.
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Re: Katieb920

Postby katieb920 » February 3rd, 2010, 8:52 am

I have no idea what over came me last night. Why the heck do I have the munchies when I am on the road. Last night I ate 2 cheese sticks, some honey roasted peanuts and some peanut butter filled pretzels. WHAT THE HECK. It is only Tuesdays and Fridays when I get this way. WHY WHY WHY. Is it because I am in restaurants all day. I have no clue. I am up 1# today. :x but it is my own fault. I re started once again today. I AM THE BIGGEST DORK there is. Wish me luck
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Re: Katieb920

Postby wildtrk » February 3rd, 2010, 9:23 am

katieb920 wrote:I AM THE BIGGEST DORK there is. Wish me luck

First of all I know much bigger "dorks" as well a few "idiots" in search of a village. It is about just trying to do the best you can. The fact that you recognize that you slipped and got back on the scale, (which I find to be a necessity for owning up to what you did) I applaud you!

What is funny is that I was standing in line at a small lunch place where I can go to get a chicken breast and salad. In front of me was someone that I new from an organized "weight loss" group a year ago. Actually she was the leader of the group. I could see that over the past year she had gained some weight as well as I did. The difference was she ordered a deluxe cheese burger and fires and I ordered a chicken breast with salad and tabbouleh (sic?). Made me feel much better about what I am doing to battle my adversary.

So keep at it...you didn't lose 60# by accident.
MF Start Date 4/14/06
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Re: Katieb920

Postby katieb920 » February 3rd, 2010, 10:38 am

So I just finished my first day of COOL RUNNING. Holy crap I am out of breath. And of course I wanted to quit. But I said if the people on the biggest loser can do six hours of exercise the first day. I can do 20 minutes. In 20 minutes I just finished under a mile it said like .98. I burned 110 calories and of that it was only like 35 fat calories. It feels like I am smoking all over again where I can not catch my breath. I am going to follow the instructions to a t. I am not going to get ahead of myself.

Well now I must go and Drink about 2 gallons of water.

Also OK and Robin here is a stupid question. Do you breathe in through your nose and exhale through mouth or vice versa.

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