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Postby nickieluv » January 15th, 2009, 4:00 am

Katie, I like Robin's explanation idea as well. It'll take some guts (at least it would in my case) to openly admit to your son that you've gotten out of control, but I feel like from what you've said about him, he's old enough to understand that you need a different plan. But there's no reason he can't eat a L&G with you for dinner (maybe that would be one modification you could make, since I know you usually do the full fast) and you can exercise together.

Just think - you have an opportunity to affect not only his life, but your grandkids if he has any down the road. What he learns now about how to take care of himself, and the feelings he is having now, will help him stay a fit adult I think. You could potentially break the cycle here.

Sometimes it's a lot of pressure to be a mom. And I think because we have weight problems, we are more sensitve than most about our kids' eating habits. And Leigh, as a mom of girls, do you feel that's even worse? I know eating disorders can affect boys, too, but I worry about every little thing I say about body image around my girls, and I try to balance 'you're beautiful' with 'you're smart' or 'you're good at singing' or something like that so they don't think it's all about the body.

I hope you have a good day today, Katie.
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Postby Joy » January 22nd, 2009, 4:26 pm


I hope your restart is going well!

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Postby katieb920 » January 24th, 2009, 8:24 am

Hey everyone,

Thank you for thinking of me.... I am not on prgram Matthew and I are doing the whole weight watchrs thing. (well he does not know that he is doing weight watchers) I hate weight watchers. Losing like a 1/2 pound a week sucks......

It has been pretty stressful the past couple of weeks. My job is a mess, My husband and I are fighting and my emotions are just burnt to a crisp.

I do not think Matthew will notice a diffrence if I go back on Medifast since I have been working my tail off at work. I have been going on Job interviews. Which consit of going out to dinner. YUCK I went out to dinner for a job interview and I ate really well. But omg the food was so heavy. I mean i dont even cook that heavy. The only good thing that is happening right now is a few of my chefs said that I ever need a job i can go back in to the kitchen with them. I really do not want to go back to the kitchen until Matthew is in College. I want to be a Mom to him for the last 7 years of him living at home.

Well I do plan on going back I just have to figure out when would be the best time. I have 2 interviews next week.

Just wanted to say thanks to my medi buddies who are always here to support me, even when i fail. XOXOXO
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Postby Susie Q » January 24th, 2009, 9:01 am

Hi, Katie! I wanted to stop in and say hello :)! I read over your struggle and wanted to wish you well in your journey for health for you and Matthew! It's hard being a parent at times, isn't it?

My daughter isn't over weight. She is, however, built like me on the short side and has a larger bone structure. So she will likely remain at the 'high' end of her BMI scale. Her Ped suggested that I work with her not to put her on a diet but to make her aware of good food choices, moving more and general good health (she included body odor, etc. as teaching moments as she is rapidly leaving the lil girl stage :( and approaching puberty). Anyway, I bought her a book called Eat this, Not that for Kids. It teaches them healthy choices and alternatives to common foods and lots of restaurant foods too! A positive change for my daughter, for example, is that no longer will she select chicken nuggets AND fries. If she wants fries she'll select to eat something else that isn't fried - - if she wants nuggets, she selects fruit. She knows she can’t have mac and cheese with fries – LOL. So she is more aware of making good choices. Anyway, I wanted to mention it in case it’s helpful to you.

I can commiserate with you! I despise the slow weight loss on WW!! I'm such an impatient loser, LOL. However, you can embrace the fact that you can eat a wider variety of items without totally giving up a food group or your favorites so there is an upside! Whatever you do long term, WW or MF or something else, I hope you'll continue to post with us. Support is a great thing to have in our struggle to lose or maintain!

Good luck!

Susie :heart:
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Postby katesmom » January 24th, 2009, 9:07 pm

Hey Katie !
Glad that you are still here!!!!!!!!! :dance:

I am dealing with my 9 year old daughter and her food choices too. She IS overweight and her pediatrician was great in talking to both of us, especially her, in making good choices...
The peditarician told me that she can NOT have MF supp's except for the bars and soy crisps as a snack . We talked about high fiber /low fat choices and doing away with the sugary things (cookies) and drinking lots of water. So far, she has made some changes...

I'm sorry that the job issues and hubby issues are stressful...

My prayers are with you !!! :)
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Postby Tawanda » January 25th, 2009, 9:21 am

Katie, wishing the best for you and your family.
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Postby katesmom » January 28th, 2009, 9:01 am

Hey Katie !

Thinking of you and hope things are improving for you...
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Postby katieb920 » February 1st, 2009, 1:32 pm

Hey everyone..... Placed my order. I have some stuff but it is nothing I am too crazy about. I had a bunch of Dutch choc. I go in to the pantry only to find 2 left. I went to my husband and asked him if he knew where they were. He said uh well matthew wanted his snack after dinner time so he ended up doing something great. He took the package added the water and ice blended then added 2 table spoon of FF whip cream. My husband said That is Matthews favorite snack now. Also Found out that Matthew has been drinking my RTD's. Even though they are expensive I dont care. Matthew thinks they are choc milk. HA only if he knew....

Well Hopefully I get my stuff on time.

I will check in later this week.
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Postby ChynnaDoll » February 1st, 2009, 3:43 pm

HAHAHAHA, Matthew ROCKS!..has he loss weight...lol!...that so cute!

Daughter, i'm so glad you're here too. Between all of us..we'll do just fine this time:+)

See'ya when you check back in this week!

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Postby nickieluv » February 1st, 2009, 8:02 pm

It may be an expensive snack, but it's a healthy one. Good for him!

Hope you get your order soon. Let me know - I'll start with you. :)
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Postby katieb920 » February 2nd, 2009, 6:43 am

Well I have enough packages for today. And guess what I started. I also found someone on craigslist that was selling 10 days worth for 50 bucks. I gobbled that up. I am picking it up later this afternoon.

Matthew has lost about 2 pounds. Which I am happy about. But I have gained everything back from last nights superbowl. So today I start my day.......

I am very embaressed about how much I gained back. I gained back almost all my weight from the first time I started program. Excluding 6 pounds. So I am starting at 245.4 :x But the only person I can be mad at is myself.

Well off to a meeting.
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Postby nickieluv » February 2nd, 2009, 6:52 am

It does come back way too easily, you're right about that. I'm glad you started today. I'm not quite up to it yet, so I won't be starting with you after all - but good for you for not waiting. At my very highest I'd gained back all but 5 pounds - I know how you feel but looking back won't help anything. Have a great compliant day today!
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Postby ChynnaDoll » February 2nd, 2009, 8:59 am

Yayyyyyyyy you're starting TODAYYYY daughter...yayyyyyyy!! :-P So glad you're taking this trip with all of us.


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Postby katieb920 » February 2nd, 2009, 10:46 am

2 shakes down ready for my 3rd. Boy do i have the munchies. Have to do this though.
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Postby katieb920 » February 2nd, 2009, 11:07 am

8 cups of water down. But my mouth is still salty from last night. And just to let you know i should be wearing depends right now. My water bill is going to be huge this month...... LOL
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