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Postby katieb920 » November 4th, 2008, 6:19 am

The only thing I have to say is that I am DISGUSTED with myself

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Postby nickieluv » November 4th, 2008, 6:34 am

I guess disgust can be good to get you going, but I don't think it will keep you going. Try to remember that you are losing weight because you love yourself and want the best for yourself - not because you are punishing yourself.

That's a hard thing for me to remember, too, but I'm trying to look at each MF meal this time around as a little present to myself. I don't HAVE to eat this way - I GET to eat this way. And my reward for taking care of my body and showing some respect for myself is that I will gradually start to look on the outside the way I feel on the inside.

Have a great day 1!
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Postby DogMa » November 4th, 2008, 8:28 am

Oh, Katie, don't be so down. You're here, still in the fight, still trying. That's not something to be disgusted about. That's something to be PROUD of.

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Postby katieb920 » November 5th, 2008, 7:34 am

Thanks Nickie and Robin

Hate to admit it again Day 1..... I am trying... I am trying so hard and by the end of the day I am so hungry I pig out. My husband has a awards dinner tonight so he wont be home. So I think it might be easy for me... The only one I have to cook for is Matthew, and he is so easy to cook for...

I was so mad last night I completly forgot Biggest Loser was not on. Still Hope Heba and Vicky get the boot... Next week is suppose to be really good.

1st shake down
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Postby DogMa » November 5th, 2008, 8:24 am

Hang in there, Katie. Use your allowed snacks, and have an extra shake if you need to. The hunger will pass, as you know.

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Postby katesmom » November 5th, 2008, 5:45 pm

Hi Katie,
Seems you and I always end up re-starting again at the same time !
I am re-starting tomorrow and will make no promises to anyone. I will try my best and see what happens.

I know way too much how you are feeling...

I hope you have a positive day !
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Postby katieb920 » November 8th, 2008, 7:40 am

Hey Pam and Robn...

Back again. Yesterday I did so well. I just finished my fifth shake when the munchies happened... And yes you know what happened :cry: I was talking to my husband that we need to do something. He knows that he needs to lose weight and matthew could lose a few pounds also. So He is taking all of the snacks out of eye sight. Meaning pretzels animal crackers and so on. John is also going to go to the grocery store with me. Hopefully that will help. I was so mad yesterday. I was doing great. The one thing that helped me out a lot was the bubble yum. But after the 5th shake I could not find it. I was mad. I just ordered online another full case of it so I can have it with me at all times.

I am going to post picture of my family and I. I was at 187 my lowest but I felt awesome. And I want to keep feeling that way

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Postby SuzyQ66 » November 8th, 2008, 11:34 am

Katie - you can do this. When you get the munchies at night...go for a legal snack....I ate two pickle spears which helped me tremendously. Week one is just horrible, especially as a restarter, but remember, each hour you make it, the closer you get to getting past that first week. And yes, chewing gum does help. Remember that foods off program only bring you instant satisfaction that only lasts while you eat it....the MF program can bring you longer lasting satisfaction.
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Postby DogMa » November 9th, 2008, 5:55 am

Yep, keep pickles and/or celery around to munch on. Or heck, it's not quite on program, but some sliced cucumbers are good, too (and really no different from pickles, except that they're not loaded with salt). Have an extra shake if you need it.

Other than that, I think you just need to muscle your way through at first. It's hard to say "no" to yourself, but sometimes you just HAVE to. And you'll appreciate it later.

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Postby Tawanda » November 9th, 2008, 10:32 am

Katie--I know you can do this. Just mull over the list of why you want to take the extra weight off, better health, easier to move, cute clothes that hang nicely, pride in your eating at the end of the day instead of laying in bed beating yourself up (if you are at all like me--that is what I would do).....Revisit the reasons *why* you want the extra weight off---focusing on YOU---not on doing it for anyone else. You *WILL* find your determination once again once you give yourself a pep talk as to why this is important to you and something that YOU want to do for yourself. Then it will be much easier to say 'no' when the temptations hit.

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Postby nickieluv » November 9th, 2008, 10:43 am

Hi Katie - I'm on day one for the umpteenth time, too. And even today I am having trouble. It's so easy to say 'just one more day' but you and I both know that after a week or two on plan, it gets much easier to make the right choices. We've just got to push through, and vow that we will be stronger than our urges. I hope we both make the right choices today.
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Postby katieb920 » November 10th, 2008, 8:48 am

So Day 1 for me and I am not playing around.....

Things got a little weird last night. My Husband was watching the football game last night... And he finally came in and said my cheeks are tingling. I said what are you talking about. He said it felt like there was novacain. So I was nervous (johns family has heart problems) I started freaking out I went on line an did a search, there was a few things that scared the crap out me. Like Diabetes, ms, not enough calcium. I told him lets goto the dr He said no. (STUBBORN)... So I said well have a glass of milk.... So Anyways we went to sleep (but I did not) I kept checking on him. He woke up this morning said he was fine. So he is going to call the Dr today just to let him know what is going on. I do have a feeling that it is this product that I bought for him. It is the Gillette Bodywash and All for dry skin.. I read the ingredients, There is a lot of stuff in there that could probably give him a rash. Like Citric acid, Sodium. ect....

So anyways that was a wake up call. My husband is my best friend, And I could not even think of living with out him. Vice Versa... And I could not imagine Matthew not having one of us. So we really talked this morning and we are going to work together on our health.

Shake 2 done.
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Postby SuzyQ66 » November 10th, 2008, 11:37 am

Congraultions Katie on deciding for a healthy future. I am just so sorry about what happened to your hubby last night. I hope all is well. Stay strong...first week might be difficult...but it gets better after that.
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Postby katieb920 » November 10th, 2008, 2:45 pm

Thanks MS SuzQ. Yeah that was a eye opener.

4 shakes down 2 more to go. 1/2 gallon of water down. 1/2 gallon to go

Headaches are starting in.. Just took asprin.
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Postby katieb920 » November 11th, 2008, 7:03 am

Day 2 doing great...

I swear my water bill is going to be super high this month. From drinking water, and flushing the toilet every 30 seconds.

I know this is kinda of weird but I am in the zone already. My mind set is there. I also lost 4 1/2lbs in one day. LOL I am off too a busy day. ON the road all day. Hope they have bathrooms that I can use.

So on another note. I called OA last night. (Overeaters Anonymous) I am going to my first meeting thursday night. I spoke with a lady this morning and she explained everything to me. I told her my situation and she said she actually has a couple of chefs in her program. So I will let you know how it turns out.

Well I am off to a great day 2
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