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Postby katieb920 » April 17th, 2008, 4:38 pm

Thanks everyone, I am so pumped.............. I have been running/fast walking. And let me tell you my thighs are burning.

So tomorrow have to go out to dinner. Luckily I am going to A thai restaurant. And I get to order. I have already talked to the chef and he is going to to make me my favorite wild boar dish with out the fat. YEAH. and for an appetizer I am going to have a soft shell crab. My boss is taking everyone out. But I am so not going off plan. I have 3.3# to go to be in the 180's. And I am not going to mess that up.

My dad is coming up and I already told him that we are not going out to dinner. He feels since we let him stay here all the time that he needs to take us out. I am nervous about weigh in. I would love to be in the 60# club. But I do not think that is going to happen this weekend. Maybe next weekend. :D

Thank goodness it is friday tomorrow.
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Postby cydj21 » April 17th, 2008, 6:27 pm

Mmmmm I love Thai food! I love myself a good chicken gaeng massaman with the sweet potatoes and peanuts...if only they could make me a program compliant version! lol :D Oh well, there is plenty of time for allowing myself the occasional gaeng massaman after I hit goal and have been maintaining for a while.

I'm with you, girl - TGIF! (Almost. ;))
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Postby katieb920 » April 19th, 2008, 6:30 am

So I went out to dinner last night..... All I can say was yum........ I did have a taste of the duck salad Just a taste..... (dressing was way to sweet)

Then my wild boar dish came out. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM But I forgot to tell them not to spicy. So after leaving my lips were on fire and they were as big as Angelina Jolie Lips. I also had a taste of the apple spring roll. Was not to impressed. But anyways I woke up this morning with being so thirsty. All the sodium killed me. But guess what, I woke up the same weight I did yesterday. So I am wondering would of I lost a couple of pounds overnight <img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_12_12.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D4%252F4_12_12/image.gif"> if I did not go out to eat.

I just had my first shake for the morning. And I am so full....... But I am back on track... YEAH ME.

Suppose to be beautiful today in Jersey. 82 But I will not be able to enjoy it I am going to be running around all day. I completly forgot I have to go into Staten Island my cousins sons first commuinion. I was not going to go, but I am the only one from our family that will go. My sisters and brothers are to busy in there lives to think twice about doing something like this. I do love going to see my Uncles and Aunts, we talk about my mom all of the time. But usually when I leave I am just so sad, I miss my mom Terribly

Then my father is coming up so I have to rush home for him and then cook dinner.

Tomorrow I am doing NOTHING>>>>>>>>>>
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Postby summergirl » April 19th, 2008, 6:37 am

Sounds like lots of family time! I'm so jealous of your sunshine. For some reason, they're calling for snow today here in Oregon! It seems a wee bit late for that! :shock: I just want to plant flowers and go for walks!

I hope you have a great day and weekend! And way to go getting your shake in this morning. I've got to get mine made here pretty soon! I always have a harder time on the weekends... Being at home, I want to GRAZE!!!

Enjoy your time with the fam! :mrgreen:
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Postby lifelovinaries » April 19th, 2008, 6:00 pm

here you go with that wild boar again!!!! Nothing like eating spicy, spiky, wild pig. :roflmao: Forget lip injections, just eat wild boar thai style. :mrgreen: Katieboo, i am sooooo proud of you. You are in it to win it. Keep rockin it girl! :hug:

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Postby cydj21 » April 19th, 2008, 8:04 pm

Mmmm! Your dinner sounds delicious! :-P I hope you got to enjoy a little bit of the beautiful weather today. Here in my area, Finger Lakes region of NY, it was sensational and could not be missed. 8)
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Postby katieb920 » April 24th, 2008, 6:38 pm

Wowzer..... What a busy week I have had. I am freaking exhausted. I just got home a little while ago. I have been walking each night for about 3 1/2 to 4 miles. I walk with a bunch of my friends. You want to hear something weird. At some times of the walk I just wanted to run. But my friends cant run. So I think I might run in the middle of the day and then walk at night. I really do like walking at night with the girls, it is just great to get out of the house.

On the medifast front....... I am OP but i was very very close to cheating. So instead I just had a couple more soy crisps. I also got it into my head, that I am going to see my sister on Saturday. She has not seen me since Christmas, I have lost 35# since then. I can not wait to see her reaction. If she gives me one. She has always been the skinny one, but she is gaining a little weight. She does not approve of Medifast but I just tell her to <img src="http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e308/clueliss/talk-hand.gif" border="0" alt="talk to the hand">

Matthew has his first baseball game on Saturday. He is way excited about it. His best friend christopher is pitcher the first 2 innings, then matthew will be pitching the last 2 innings. Right after the game my husband, matthew and myself are driving up to my sisters. Matthew and I are walking for the american heart assocition, in honor of my mother and my father in law. We have a lot of donations coming in, so we are very excited about that.


Well all I am going to bed. My body is sore from walking.
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Postby ChynnaDoll » April 25th, 2008, 10:20 pm

Oh my sweet daughter, i am so PROUD of you with your walking enthusiasm :-P :-P It's SO much fun when you're doing it others..same thing with my areobic classes...i enjoy them much better in a class setting.
Boy, your sis will surely be surprised when she see's you looking so FABBBULOUS!!:+)))...sounds like it will be such a FUN trip!...and good luck to Matthew with his first baseball game..that is just TOO cute!..and by the way, what a WONDERFUL tribute to your mother and father-in-law walking for the American Heart Association. It will make you feel soooooo GOOD, and they would surely commend you for doing that in there honor:+) I plan doing the same with the MS walk with regard to my little girl Errin...she will be walking too, for how long i can't tell, but she'll sure try:+)

LOL, i always use to eat an extra SoyChip or two too :-P

Love'ya daughter,
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Postby katieb920 » May 1st, 2008, 7:12 am

Hey Everyone.

I have been posting a little bit, but not in my own journal.... I have been so busy at work that by the time I get home I am exhausted.

So this past weekend I went up to my sisters house, Matthew myself and my sister did a walk for the american heart association.

Matthew came running up to me saying, MOMMY MOMMY guess who is here. I said who, and he said Trent from the biggest loser. I have never seen my son so excited to meet some one. LEt me tell you what a nice guy. He took the time out to talk to my son for 5 minutes. Talked about football and asked what position does he play.

Well anyways on the MF front I did go off program this weekend. I did not feel like listening to my sister, she always bashes me about MF. But I am proud to say. NO sugar for me. I just ate healty all weekend. I did gain a pound. There was a sodium issue on the scallops and the shrimp. But I am under my ticker weight. And As of today I am exactly at a 60# loss. But dont change my ticker until sunday. That is official weigh in day.

Well I am really focused on MF, my next goal is to get in the 180's I am going to start writing more in my journal. I have to say it really helps me.
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Postby Out*With*The*Old » May 1st, 2008, 8:07 am

Hiya! :wave: I'm not always here these days so I am going to go ahead and say CONGRATS on the new club!! I'm just certain that you'll be claiming that AND more on Sunday!!!

Glad to see ya and hear how awesome you're doing!!

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Postby cydj21 » May 1st, 2008, 8:51 am

Hi Katie! :D I'm proud of you for being able to go off program, but stay regimented and then get back on with the plan. I don't think I could do it and it scares me to even think about trying, so I am definitely in awe of your mental strength to get there. In my opinion, that shows really great progress that will likely prove extremely helpful come maintenance time.

I know your sister grumbles about MF being "unsafe," but do tell - did she at least praise your progress? I think you mentioned a while back that you haven't seen her since Christmas and you've slimmed down a lot since then. You deserve a lot of credit. With your busy life and a family, I know it has to be tough...it's tough enough for me with just a dog to look after!
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Postby DogMa » May 1st, 2008, 9:19 am

Ha. I was thinking the same thing; it's all I can do to take care of myself and the dogs most days!!

Katie, you're doing great, and good for you for straying without REALLY straying. It'll serve you well when you hit maintenance.

Great job on all the walking, too. That was how I started running, too. I was walking every day on the treadmill, and one day just felt like RUNNING. Very bizarre for me, but isn't it a great feeling?

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Postby lifelovinaries » May 1st, 2008, 1:45 pm

:wave: katieboo! I haven't been around too much either so i just wanted to pop in and say hi and CONGRATS on the new club. TAKE IT NOW GIRL, TAKE IT NOW! I NEVER waited for my club to be changed, i was always too excited to make it there. In a perfect world, i would be moving into the 70# club as you moved into the 60#. Alas, *sigh* we know this is not a perfect world! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Postby Tawanda » May 1st, 2008, 1:54 pm

Hi Katie, how nice of Trent to talk with your son. I'm not familiar with who he is, but anyone who is a 'celebrity' and still shows kindness to others is tops in my book.

Good for you on the weekend choices. Sugar is the big tripping item for me and you were wise and disclipined to have steered clear of it.

I'm curious, too, about what your sister had to say about your weight loss and body change.
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Postby DogMa » May 1st, 2008, 2:45 pm

Trent was one of the contestants on the most reason season of Biggest Loser. It was a "couples" edition, and he and his former football teammate (college ball, I think) went on the show together.

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