DonicaB wrote:I know you are worried about the fact you ordered the donuts without thinking about it first.......but, I believe those habits will go away. All in good time my dear.......all in good time.
katieb920 wrote:So I did not get to the 30# club yet. I am .2 away. Can you believe that. But that is okay. I have decided I am going to switch my weigh in day to Sundays. And also I really need to think about cutting back on my coffee in the afternoon. I do feel really good. I have more energy. I can actually wake up when my alarm goes off and not hit the snooze button 7 times. My husband and my son have been great through out this journey. They have also been watching what they eat. I do love this program.
Less then 4 months to my Birthday.
katieb920 wrote:So today woke up in a great mood. I feel that I have so much more energy. <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">
I feel Like I can run a marathon. (physically i know i can not) but hey.
I am having a hard time getting my last supplements in. I fell a sleep early but woke up around 10 and made sure I drank my last shake. But then I went right back to bed. Is that okay.
Biki If I forget to tell you <img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src="">
Tawanda wrote:Katie, your post made me smile today. You sound so happy and up, it lifted my spirits a bit, too. It must be contagious! Hope the day continues to be a great one for you!
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