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Re: Katesmom

Postby katesmom » August 7th, 2010, 5:46 pm

Hurdles along the way to my goal...

1) Overcoming cravings and settling for a healthier choice !
* Yesterday I made a good choice by resisting temptation when I met a friend for dinner at Outback Steakhouse...
* I was able to order my side salad FIRST while waiting for her to arrive-It worked ! I really wanted the coconut
shrimp -knew it was a bad choice and realized that I wanted to reach my goal more!

2) Realizing that if I can't smell a certain item, like ice-cream, I don't really want it.

* Today I took my parents and daughter out for ice-cream and brought a bar with me !
* I was FINE and ate the bar !!
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Re: Katesmom

Postby Tawanda » August 8th, 2010, 12:14 pm

Excellent!! :cleader:
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Re: Katesmom

Postby katesmom » August 8th, 2010, 2:34 pm

Thanks T !
Today is Sunday and I am feeling under the weather... :(
Had mf grub and on plan...Took a nap.. :D
I guess some days are like this... :|
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Re: Katesmom

Postby katesmom » August 9th, 2010, 5:51 am

Monday, August 9, 2010...
My 12 year wedding anniversary today !!
I am feeling better and need to push the water more...
I keep forgetting to drink the water and would prabably lose a little faster!
Have a great day everyone ! :D
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Re: Katesmom

Postby katesmom » August 11th, 2010, 6:41 am

It is Wednesday August 11th and I feel hungry for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks...
Went to bed hungry though :? and I think I forgot to have my last shake/bar... :dooh:
Oh well, just trying to stay bus and have tons of energy !!
Bought new walking sneakers yesterday and will walk with my daughter today !!
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Re: Katesmom

Postby katesmom » August 12th, 2010, 3:06 pm

It's Thursday...I realize that 2 weeks from today I'll be back at my job at school...
I guess it's good to get back but... I just love the summer lazy days !
I am hoping to be that much healthier by then...NOT feeling hungry today...

I had to write that to remind myself to drink !
I must have amnesia about this important part of the plan !!
Anyway, I hope that you all have a great day ...even if you might be a lurker !!

Ciao Baby !!
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Re: Katesmom

Postby rodeomom » August 15th, 2010, 2:54 pm

PAM -----DRINK YOUR WATER!!!! - Just thought I would remind you too!
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Re: Katesmom

Postby Tawanda » August 16th, 2010, 12:43 pm

Pam, keep going girl (and drink your water!!!). :)
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Re: Katesmom

Postby katesmom » August 16th, 2010, 4:46 pm


Do you think that NOW I'll get the message???
I guess I equate drinking water with being hot, and the weather hasn't been hot...
Poor excuse I know...
Days and plan are good...
9 days to go until I am officially back at my school job...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Katesmom

Postby katesmom » August 17th, 2010, 7:46 pm

Tuesday 8/17...
It has been a good day.... :D
I am down 15 pounds and really feel good !! :yippee:
Can't even imagine what the next 85 will feel like but I am determined to get there !! :dance:
I need to DRINK MY WATER.....Still can't seem to get it all in !! :water:
Hope you all are having a great day !!

Pam :)
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Re: Katesmom

Postby Tawanda » August 18th, 2010, 5:25 am

Congratulations on the 15#!! Remember stay strong and do not stop following the program until you reach your goal. Tell yourself every minute of every hour of each and every day---that no matter what comes your way -- eating off program is not the answer and that it WILL derail your commitment, it will (probably) not be a single occurance. You can do this!!! :cleader:
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Re: Katesmom

Postby rodeomom » August 18th, 2010, 10:26 pm

DON'T FORGET THAT WATER GIRLFRIEND!!!! One way I am able to get the water in is to drink a 20oz glass (or more) of water before every meal. Then I sip on more water as I am enjoying the meal. If you do that then you will get at least 120 ounces in just in the drinks before the meals. The water will help the meal fill you up and keep you feeling fuller longer. This way you don't have to walk around with a bottle of water wherever you go. All in all its a win/win. The whole concept of drinking water to rid my body of excess water has never made sense to me, but whatever works right? Ohio weather has been miserably hot and humid so I am drinking more than a gallon a day. I have to pee 20 times or more and all through the night, but I just tell myself that I am peeing out all the fat and impurities I have plagued my body with these last several months.

We are gonna do this!! I am going to visit you soon and we will get pictures of our fat selves so we can put them on the fridge as motivation. Then we will get together again and take even more pictures of our beautiful thin and healthy selves to encourage others to get healthy like we did! Sound like a deal?
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Re: Katesmom

Postby katesmom » August 21st, 2010, 2:12 am

Friday...into Sat am...
Can't sleep...spent the whole day with my daughter and friends at an amusement park...Lovely weather but allergies have started kicking in :(
My c-pap machine for sleep apnea has been great until now, as I wake up coughing due to the allergies...Have been awake since 3:15 am and it is now 5:11 am... TIRED !!
Diet is good though !!
Goodnite !
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Re: Katesmom

Postby katesmom » August 21st, 2010, 4:53 pm

Saturday Evening...
What a day...Finally woke up at 9:15 after a horrble night with trying to sleep...(see last post)
Allergies are wicked now and when I spoke to the Doctor, he said that ragweed is out everywhere ! Great !
Just what I need before I go back to work in a few days !!
I have had a rough day all over....Feel hungry, don't know why, feel tired (DO know why !!)
I have lost two more pounds -so I have lost 17 lbs in 4 weeks... I am proud of that and can't wait for the next 17 to come off !
Wish it was more but I won't be greedy !!
Goodnite all, Have a great weekend..
Off to have my lean and green !
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Re: Katesmom

Postby Tawanda » August 22nd, 2010, 10:19 am

:cleader: on staying on program and losing 17#!!!! Stay strong and committed to the program!!! Do not allow yourself to go off program and you will get to your goal so much easier than if you give into any temptations. Going off program is not worth the agony it causes (isn't my hindsight great? LOL).

Hugs to you....hope the allergies ease soon!
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