Today is Saturday: 9/15/07
I promised Jo ( and others did too) that I would stay 100% compliant while she is away...What a great idea.. kind of helps me stay focused and challenges me to see how much I can lose by then ! Okay Jo, if your ears are ringing it's not the phone !
Sometimes I just need that kind of thing to stay loyal...I would love to join a women's kick boxing class after I lose my first 50 lbs...So that is the reward I will give myself when I get to that loss...
I have so many friends who do some sort of excercise...I always feel like I should, but don't...So I will start out with walking in my neighborhood...Even if it is only for 30 minutes, I have to start somewhere..I also have friends that go to a mall and walk, early in the morning...I can't really do that now, since I am working now...
Well, time to go and do some laundry, drink some water, think positive thoughts and realize how lucky I am to have found this website, with all of these wonderful people...That means YOU !!