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Postby LadyT » December 27th, 2006, 7:19 pm

You will definitely be missed around here Karli! I know you will do your best while you are gone...take it one meal at a time!
Personally I am more like Biki : "I can wish to be good, I can wish to be compliant-but it will be a struggle. Some days easier than others."
I do believe, like DeDe does, that the hard work makes us appreciate our achievements more. You are certainly working hard for those last 10 pounds...and I know you will do it! :clap:
See you when you get back!
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Postby nickieluv » December 27th, 2006, 8:13 pm

Have a safe and fun time, Karli. While you're gone, actually, I'll be starting - everything came today!!! More about that in my journal in a moment - but I'll be thinking of you and your journey as an MF'er (that is cute - just don't piss anybody off, what a double entendre!) to help me through these next few days. Bon voyage!
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Postby Karli » December 28th, 2006, 12:32 am

Thanks you wonderful women !! As it turns out, I am obviously able to get online and touch-base... YAY !! Nickieluv, I am *so* happy you got your stuff :). I will be in San Francisco tomorrow, visiting my brother and we are going to some fabulous resturante. I will bring my little food scale and measuring cup in with me and think of you as I carefully measure out my "all-you-can-eat" seafood and greens :-P.

I am happy to say that today went well. It was pretty easy to stay on track sitting in the car for hours... as long as hubby kept any silly snackies away. So far so good, here at the folks. Lots of treats, but, what people wrote in my journal today *really* helped me and I was able to safely manuever my way through it all :).

DeDe, I read what you posted right before I left and it breathed some extra strength into my system... thank you very much :).

Cheers to you all,
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Postby Karli » December 28th, 2006, 9:11 am

Not sure what I am weighing right now, but that's okay. I am just happy to have had a great day on program yesterday and I am looking forward to another one today.

My plan for the day :

8 -- Cream of broccili soup (long story, but it wasn't so bad for breaky -- I pretended it was a queesh)
10:30 -- oatmeal
1 -- choco bar
4 -- capuccino
6 -- L/G
9 -- choco shake

Edit : I did great up until my 6 o' clock. Then it went downhill and I sacrificed my efforts of the day and the day before it, including my regain of ketosis, in one meal plus some dessert. Anyway, today is a new day and I am just starting over again :).

Last edited by Karli on December 29th, 2006, 10:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Taangrl21 » December 28th, 2006, 9:17 am

I see a chocolate theme today for you Karli....chocolate definitly YUMMY!!!
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Postby LadyT » December 28th, 2006, 6:41 pm

Hi Karli! I'm so happy you are able to keep in touch! You are doing so well being away...that's what did me in on my first go-round with MF. I do not do well on vacation...but you are doing fantastic! Keep up the great work, and I'll bet you'll have a nice loss when you get back!
{{{HUGS}}}} :hug:
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Postby Karli » December 29th, 2006, 8:41 am

Thanks ladies :). I guess there is kind of a chocolate theme to my supplements in general... hee hee. Anyway, here I am in California, learning lots of great lessons :roll:.

My newest revelation (that I am going to learn to really grasp) is that : No food is worth it. No food is worth sacrificing my health for, or worth sacrificing the balance in my diet for. It never tastes as good as its lure promises, and then, at least at this point in the game, a person has sacrificed one's immediate well-being (read : ketosis) for the sake of some kind of liar food.

ANYWAY, plan for the day :

8 -- orange shake
10:30 -- Choco bar
1 -- shake
4 -- Shake or Soup
6/7 -- L/G
9 -- choco pudding
Last edited by Karli on December 29th, 2006, 10:09 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby jlaman79 » December 29th, 2006, 9:11 am

Hey Karli! Here's my favorite quote (I don't remember where I picked it up) but it goes right along with your comments.

"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what we want most for what we want in the moment.”
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Postby bikipatra » December 29th, 2006, 9:52 am

jlaman79 wrote:Hey Karli! Here's my favorite quote (I don't remember where I picked it up) but it goes right along with your comments.

"The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what we want most for what we want in the moment.”

Or in other words. GROW UP.
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Postby nickieluv » December 29th, 2006, 12:47 pm


I am right there with you on the lure and promise of food. The last time I was doing this I went off so many times just because I THOUGHT it would be worth it. I started to realize that it was never as good as I wanted it to be, or remembered it to be, and that was even before restarting. Nothing was more depressing than blowing a whole day for McDonald's only to discover it didn't taste that good.

Of course, at this point in the game on Day 2, I feel ANYTHING would taste heavenly. But I'm not willing this time to let go of what I really want. Someone posted about people losing a ton of weight in six or seven months on this plan, and that it's only around 200 days. When you look at it that way, for me anyway, it doesn't seem like that long to wait. Heck, I'm 1% of the way there already!!!

Delayed gratification is not my strong suit (especially when it comes to spending money, but food is a problem, too) and I'm hoping that this mentality change will help me in other areas of life.

I kind of got off track, didn't I? I just mean to say that I understand what you went through, and that I'm relieved you really are human after all (I was beginning to think of you as a bit of an MF'ing goddess - I love using that MF too much, I think :lol: ) and we have something else in common - so if you feel the need to taste, just let me remind you how crappy everything really tastes and how much that guilt sucks, no matter how short-lived.

Congratulations on a perfect day today (I know it will be!)
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Postby Serendipity » December 29th, 2006, 3:02 pm

You are right, Karli. No food is worth it. Even now that I can have different foods, I won't eat those trigger foods because each time I see a cookie or a dinner roll, I think......that's what made me fat and miserable.......and each time my desire to be thin so outweighs any desire I would have for the taste that I just turn away and don't even crave it. My house is full of that stuff and I could care less because I'm loving my new self and I won't trade it for anything!

Keep at it, ladies. The rewards are outstanding!
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Postby dede4wd » December 29th, 2006, 5:54 pm

Thanks Jo,

I needed that!

Karli, I love the liar food line!

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Postby Karli » December 30th, 2006, 8:44 am

Well, yesterday went well. I avoided treats and I am not sure how, but I managed to do well on program. I appreciate everybody's support because I know that helped me very much yesterday. I am *really* looking forward to these holidays being over... or at least I am looking very forward to having all of the food and goodies that seems to come along with them, be a distant memory.

Today and tomorrow may not be easy, but, the fact that I will soon be returning home (leaving Monday morning) and to my own routine gives me a tangible light at the end of the tunnel, and some courage to go along with it. I am hoping that when I get back to my scale it will read very close to where I left off (I think I will weigh in at Roll Call, two Sundays from today). If not, I will just have to retrace some steps.

My current mantra is that "no food is worth it" ... that worked pretty well yesterday as I would find myself being slightly tempted but would remember that it isn't *ever* what it promises.

Today's plan :

7:30 -- capuccino shake
10 -- bar
1 -- shake
4 -- soup
6 -- L/G
9 -- choco pudding

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Postby FertileMyrtle » December 30th, 2006, 8:54 am

Great posts, everyone! Right in the thick of it all myself. Love the comments about liar foods as well. Its just never ever as good as it looks!
I'm so proud, Karli, that you made it through, esp being away from home! So happy for us all that holidays are pretty much over!! I've been sending my hubs to work with all the leftover junk food that the in-laws brought in.
Back to basics people!
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Postby BerkshireGrl » December 30th, 2006, 9:56 am


I just wanted to say hello, and tell you that I have been gleaning lots of stuff from your journal. You sure are asking yourself the tough questions. I am trying to ask myself similiar ones... and I've found that after reading a few pages of your journal, my brain is feeling weak and in need of espresso ;) (in a good way!)

As a recovering bulimic, who has other addictive issues (namely booze and spending cash), I am very impressed at the hard work you are doing, and your marvelous success. Thank you for being so open... and I wish you more healthy healing :)
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