ha ha ... Nickie, your post is funny

-- I am happy that your sister has you to talk with, it sounds like it is a bit needed (sisters are always needed). You know, the main reason I feel I can't step on the scale at this point is not because I don't want to, it's mainly because if it's low, it trips me up. I have a hard time accepting the 160's, for whatever reason.
Well, we are back from our latest camping trip. It was a bit of an adventure !! First of all, the place we went this time (and it's the same place from two times ago) was on the coast and along a lake that is a windsurfing destination. What that means is that if there is a point in being there, it is mainly to windsurf, and what else that means is that you are living in constant wind. That is something in and of itself !! Our tent pretty much fell apart and had to be constantly restaked and duck taped back together.
One of the cool things about this trip and the last time we went there is that I tried windsurfing. My husband was a child prodigy in windsurfing and grew up in Hawaii, so it's something he has been doing since the beginning of time. But, for me, it's a completely new (and FUN !) experience. Well, Friday was my 3rd time ever (the 2nd time ever being during our last trip there). It was my third time ever and the wind was blowing like crazy : 30-35 miles per hour. I was the only beginner out there ... hee hee, and even though the campground was completely full, my husband said there weren't even *that* many others out there.
That force of wind causes bigger chop in the water, so besides the fact that it was really blowing, you are combating a lot of topsy turvy making waves, too. Well, for whatever reason, my hubby thought that since I had surfed in 10 mile an hour wind 2 weeks before, and did fine, that I would know exactly what to do in these conditions, too. Which, I certainly didn't. I got on the board and promptly floated away, down the lake I went, getting a little mad and a bit panicky.
Eventually my hubby saw the situation and came over and helped me. I got things figured out but had to end up being rescued twice during the day. Once was because I fell off my rig and my (huge) board flipped upside down, and I was somewhere that I couldn't touch so I was having a bit of a time. Well, a man saw this happen and came over and jumped into the water and got me straightened out again (okay, that wasn't so bad ... hee hee). The other time was when I went back across the lake and had gotten so far down the lake and away from anybody else that they sent the rescue jetski after me ...

. They brought me back to the "school" on the rescue sled ... hee hee. I thought that maybe I should be done but didn't want to leave the water (I LOVE the water) and so I sailed for another hour more, walking my rig upwind at each end of the lake so as not to drift too far downward again and need another jetski incident.
Anyway, that was fun but exhausting and there was no way I was going to be on program for the two days that I windsurfed there, nor the day after that ... too many calories being burned. So, today is another day 1.
Cheers !