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Postby DogMa » August 21st, 2007, 3:14 pm

Making yourself look nice can definitely change your mood. I've taken to wearing my tank tops and sleeveless stuff on days when I'm feeling flabby or unattractive.

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Postby Lasi » August 21st, 2007, 7:50 pm

Be proud of who you are and show off how beautiful you are. You earned it.

Have fun camping.
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Postby Diana » August 21st, 2007, 11:14 pm

stopping by with a cyberhug

(((((((((((((( :heart: Karli :heart: )))))))))))))))))))
Here's to our mutual success! :buddies: --Diana
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Postby Karli » August 22nd, 2007, 8:11 am

Hi, Ladies ! Thanks for the cyberhug, Di !

Day 3 down, 26 to go :-P. I think that eventually that will sound like a realistic number for me ... or at least something more meaningful and attainable.

My little sneakers are trying to think of ways for me to sneak food that is not on program but won't knock me out of ketosis. I suppose that wouldn't be so bad in and of itself, except for the fact that it ALWAYS leads to eating things that DO knock me out of ketosis ... and once that happens, it's a lot less pleasant. I passed up the pull towards cheese-chips last night -- at one point I had even decided I was going to do it, but then I changed my mind and I didn't even get up to get started on it.

Still haven't stepped on the scale and so far I am just fine with it. I have been contemplating stepping on the scale only on Sundays, but we will be gone this Sunday so that's already out for now. I kinda wonder if I can make it through this whole challenge without stepping on the scale until the end ? That would be interesting. In any event, I am starting to feel more like I did before our first camping trip, which was nearly 2 weeks ago. I think I will need a couple more compliant days to get fully back there (or at least pretty darn close).
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Postby DogMa » August 22nd, 2007, 8:15 am

You can do it, Karli. We know you can. And more important, YOU know you can.

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Postby ChynnaDoll » August 22nd, 2007, 8:37 am

Gooood Morning Karli! I LOVE that affirmation..it's soooo true...wishing you continued success on your journey:+))

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Postby katesmom » August 23rd, 2007, 2:00 am

Hi Karli,
I had a slip yesterday and have realized that everyone here is so supportive when we fall off course...I have re-dedicated myself to this path too...I want to feel and look healthy !

We can do it !

Keep it up !
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Postby Karli » August 23rd, 2007, 7:52 am

Thanks, Ladies -- nice to have you here :).

So, day 4 is down, 25 more to go :-P. How long will I start off with that ? I don't know ... until it's not motivating for me anymore, I guess. But, to say that today is day 5, and to know that I am nearing a length of time BACK on program that I was off program for that week is at least somewhat encouraging.

Haven't stepped onto the scale yet. I sorta thought about doing it this morning, but didn't really feel like it. I am not scared of what it might read -- I just think it's better if I continue to stay off for awhile and concentrate on other means of getting myself squared away.

We can all do it !! :D Thanks for the support :).
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Postby nickieluv » August 25th, 2007, 5:55 am

Hi Karli!

You are doing great (of course - who doubted it?). :D

Whenever I read of someone not weighing for a while, I think I should do that - but I doubt I could. I think when I'm maintaining I'll be able to just weigh-in once a week or so - or maybe just when my clothes start feeling tight or something - I don't want to always be a daily weigher. But when losing, I find I need that information for whatever reason.

And on the 'gussying up' for teaching - don't you remember a few months ago, when I first started buying new/smaller clothes for work, how I felt like a darn supermodel whenever I put on something new? I was afraid that I was getting vain. But I think it's just confidence. I spent some time with my sister this week talking about clothes and shoes and hair - trying to tell her how much better you feel when you feel like you look good. She's in that tough junior-high place, 8th grade, and I worry about her a lot because that's when the mean girls start showing themselves more and more, and it becomes about what clothes you wear and who you hang out with. I was not a popular kid but I did things at school and had a group of friends, even though they weren't the 'cool kids.' I want that for her - I talked with her about getting into sports or musicals or clubs or something - my dad is a major homebody and I'm afraid she's not doing things because of that influence. I told her to call me if she ever needs to talk about 'girl stuff.'

So - what does that have to do with you? Probably nothing. But I felt compelled to write it so we'll just go with it. :)

You can feel beautiful and it doesn't make you self-centered or vain. It just means you're finally seeing what people around you can see - you're removing some of the filters you've had. You're letting yourself really connect with life and living - and you're all about that, so here's another way you can do it, through your presentation! Plus you'll get lots more male students. :lol: Just kidding on that one (mostly).
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Postby Karli » August 27th, 2007, 9:25 am

ha ha ... Nickie, your post is funny :-P -- I am happy that your sister has you to talk with, it sounds like it is a bit needed (sisters are always needed). You know, the main reason I feel I can't step on the scale at this point is not because I don't want to, it's mainly because if it's low, it trips me up. I have a hard time accepting the 160's, for whatever reason.

Well, we are back from our latest camping trip. It was a bit of an adventure !! First of all, the place we went this time (and it's the same place from two times ago) was on the coast and along a lake that is a windsurfing destination. What that means is that if there is a point in being there, it is mainly to windsurf, and what else that means is that you are living in constant wind. That is something in and of itself !! Our tent pretty much fell apart and had to be constantly restaked and duck taped back together.

One of the cool things about this trip and the last time we went there is that I tried windsurfing. My husband was a child prodigy in windsurfing and grew up in Hawaii, so it's something he has been doing since the beginning of time. But, for me, it's a completely new (and FUN !) experience. Well, Friday was my 3rd time ever (the 2nd time ever being during our last trip there). It was my third time ever and the wind was blowing like crazy : 30-35 miles per hour. I was the only beginner out there ... hee hee, and even though the campground was completely full, my husband said there weren't even *that* many others out there.

That force of wind causes bigger chop in the water, so besides the fact that it was really blowing, you are combating a lot of topsy turvy making waves, too. Well, for whatever reason, my hubby thought that since I had surfed in 10 mile an hour wind 2 weeks before, and did fine, that I would know exactly what to do in these conditions, too. Which, I certainly didn't. I got on the board and promptly floated away, down the lake I went, getting a little mad and a bit panicky.

Eventually my hubby saw the situation and came over and helped me. I got things figured out but had to end up being rescued twice during the day. Once was because I fell off my rig and my (huge) board flipped upside down, and I was somewhere that I couldn't touch so I was having a bit of a time. Well, a man saw this happen and came over and jumped into the water and got me straightened out again (okay, that wasn't so bad ... hee hee). The other time was when I went back across the lake and had gotten so far down the lake and away from anybody else that they sent the rescue jetski after me ... :oops:. They brought me back to the "school" on the rescue sled ... hee hee. I thought that maybe I should be done but didn't want to leave the water (I LOVE the water) and so I sailed for another hour more, walking my rig upwind at each end of the lake so as not to drift too far downward again and need another jetski incident.

Anyway, that was fun but exhausting and there was no way I was going to be on program for the two days that I windsurfed there, nor the day after that ... too many calories being burned. So, today is another day 1.

Cheers !
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Postby nickieluv » August 27th, 2007, 6:05 pm

Boy does that sound like fun! There you go, being all outdoors-y again. And making me wish I lived near an ocean, which is hard to do - make me wish that, I mean - I'm not a big fan of the ocean usually. Well, I like to look at it, just not get in it.

Welcome back to day 1. It's not so bad - and with all the calories you burned getting rescued ( ;) ) you're probably in great shape.
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Postby Mike » October 1st, 2007, 7:44 pm

So, we were all missing that redhead with all of the awesome insights... so I thought I'd ask where she went?

Hope all is well. We have been up your way a few times this month, baby being born and all. Dayna is doing great...

Hope to hear from you soon.

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Postby Karli » October 3rd, 2007, 2:51 pm

Hi Mike :). Thanks for stopping by and for sending some regards my way :). Yeah, I haven't seen Dayna and Roger yet since the little one arrived ! I called when you guys were actually there (days after the big event :-P), but we decided we would let things settle a bit before trying to get together. Anyway, looking forward to seeing them again (and the new little one for the first time :) ).

As for me, well, I am doing really, really well, actually -- thanks for asking. I won't go too far into detail because for whatever reason, that seems to throw me off a bit.

Thanks, and maybe one of these times you guys make it up, we can all get together !

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Postby Mike » October 3rd, 2007, 3:41 pm

Karli wrote:Thanks, and maybe one of these times you guys make it up, we can all get together !

Di will be coming next weekend (12th), I may also, but not sure as she is also taking the following Mon and Tues. She would love to see ya though.

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Postby Serendipity » October 3rd, 2007, 6:41 pm

Hi Karli Karl. :mrgreen:
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