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Postby Karli » August 15th, 2007, 8:25 pm

Well, thank you very much ladies. I have to say that after I read Nickie's and Jo's comments, I suddenly felt a strength and that carried through the day for me with everybody's comments following. It's like I started to remember that "self" who takes care of herself, even with her eating habits.

I have one supplement to go and I plan on that going well -- today has been picture perfect on plan and tomorrow will be day 2 -- one meal at a time.

I think I have been doing some good realizations about this past weekend, and of course I may have a little bit more perspective in the days from now. But, one thing I am "resting" on at the time is in realizing that it's time for me to take my healthy eating habits "out" with me wherever I go. In some ways I had thought I had been doing this, but there is (obviously) a lot of room for improvement. It has taken me this full year to be getting comfortable with ordering food in the way I need it in front of others, or not eating things that others are. In some way, it's like I have been somehow hiding my eating still ... as though it only belongs to the "me" who lives and works at home (alone) and belongs to a certain "disciplined" individual.

Well, it's time for healthy eating to be more than just a discipline, but rather for it to be normal for me wherever I am at and whomever I am with. I guess that's a good "project" for me to occupy myself with :-P .

Many thanks to you all :). Many thanks :).
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Postby Mickeyz » August 15th, 2007, 9:04 pm

Karli wrote:Well, it's time for healthy eating to be more than just a discipline, but rather for it to be normal for me wherever I am at and whomever I am with. I guess that's a good "project" for me to occupy myself with :-P .

Many thanks to you all :). Many thanks :).

That is such a good point. Sometimes I find it exhausting to always be "on" and watching every move and decision about food. On the days it feels natural to just make the right choices it is just a bit of insight that I'm on the path to really changing my eating habits and not just fighting them off every day. I think your awareness is the key to getting back on track and having an easier weight loss journey and keeping it off.

You sound really good. One meal at a time. Keep it up! :D
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Postby Karli » August 16th, 2007, 7:39 am

Thanks, Mickey. Well, I am *starting* to feel as though I am getting back on track. I need to get through today -- and, I can't even think in terms of the whole day, but, I think I can do it.

I will say, MY GOD, what a better feeling I had upon waking this morning. I was SO MUCH more satisfied waking to thoughts of having stayed on track eating-wise yesterday than what I have been waking with for the mornings past. I think that has given me a little more confidence.

I finally stepped on the scale this morning and it was 174 -- which is up 5 pounds from last time I weighed in. I changed my ticker, and that all feels right. I had a bit of a debate this morning about whether or not I should actually step on the scale, but I knew I should and so I did. I am hoping that whatever is bloat will melt away fairly quickly -- but right now I am just happy to be getting back on track, whether I lose or not.

I have been thinking a bit about what Jo said regarding a kind of acceptance about having urges to eat what is not in my best interest. I 'get' it -- and that is helpful. Sometimes my sight is so dim and narrow that I get an urge like that, it seems to fill my everything; I let it be really personal. Well, I am just learning I guess -- always hoping to be better equipped with this stuff, but I guess that starts now and not in some later date.

Anyway, cheers !
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Postby SharonR » August 16th, 2007, 8:20 am

Hi Karli, I just wanted to say I totally get what you writing about. I also want it to just be a part of my life, I don't want it to be all consuming. I have always been that way with a diet, always talking about it, always thinking about what I was going to eat next. ughhh, just thinking about it makes me anxious.

Anyway, sorry for my ramble...lol

Good luck, you have come so far already I know you can do it.
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Postby bikipatra » August 16th, 2007, 9:25 am

Karli wrote:I will say, MY GOD, what a better feeling I had upon waking this morning. I was SO MUCH more satisfied waking to thoughts of having stayed on track eating-wise yesterday than what I have been waking with for the mornings past. I think that has given me a little more confidence.


Karli, I have felt the exact same way about eating and alcohol. It feels so good to have a reason to get up in the mornng-to carry on with what you know should be a good day.
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Postby nickieluv » August 17th, 2007, 5:52 am

Karli - you got that all-important first day under your belt, here's to a bunch more!

I realized yesterday that when I am off-plan is when I spend all my time thinking about food - what can I eat, what do I want, what would taste really really good, etc. On-plan the choices are so much simpler. I don't think about what I'm going to eat until it's time for another supplement - and then my biggest decision is whether I want my bar or my L&G yet, or if I just want to grab another RTD.

I'm starting to think my biggest maintenance problem will be remembering to eat. I can see myself going all day with nothing, like I used to, and then being so hungry when I get home that I just eat terribly, whatever I can find. Not that THAT has anything to do with you - just came out.

Well, you've gotten that first day done - now it's my turn. Good luck to us both! That is, good DECISIONS by us both.
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Postby Karli » August 19th, 2007, 12:53 pm

Hello, Folks. Just back for a moment to say that I have decided to start (today) a personal 4 week compliancy challenge. It is scheduled to end on Monday morning, September 17th. By the end of these 4 weeks, I should be pretty close to goal if not there yet -- however, my focus is going to be on compliancy rather than weight and so I may not weigh myself for a bit.

Cheers !
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Postby nickieluv » August 19th, 2007, 1:06 pm

I'm going for six weeks but I'm right there with ya! Here's to our first day!
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Postby bikipatra » August 19th, 2007, 1:29 pm

Good luck, Karli Karl. :)
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Postby SharonR » August 19th, 2007, 1:50 pm

Good Luck!
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Postby katesmom » August 19th, 2007, 1:58 pm

Good Luck Carli...
You have inspired me to take the 100 day no cheat challenge ! I just have to find a ticker for it !
Thanks for your devotion and honesty....

I'm on day 2 -fully compliant so far....We can do it ! :mrgreen:
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Postby Karli » August 19th, 2007, 7:59 pm

wow, thanks ladies. And, it's wonderful to think I can be of inspiration, too :).

Your good wishes have been paying off, I think.

I have one suppy to go to finish my day 1 of perfect compliance for 4 weeks. Here's to another one tomorrow :).
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Postby Mickeyz » August 20th, 2007, 8:33 am

Hi Karli,

Good luck on your personal challenge. I think it is a great idea. 4 weeks is a very attainable time frame. Keeping your focus on compliancy rather than weight will get you to goal! We all know if we are compliant the weight comes off, but sometimes that scale can mess with us a bit!
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Postby Karli » August 21st, 2007, 6:42 am

Thanks, Mickey !

Well, 2 days down, 27 to go ... hee hee. I am starting to feel a bit better and I am still fitting into all the clothes that I bought recently, and so that is a happy thing :).

Day 2, yesterday, was not easy only in the sense that it wasn't exactly physically comfortable for parts of the day (especially toward the second half of the day) -- other than that, it wasn't too shabby just getting through it. Getting through day number 2 is especially "big" for me, but today is day 3 and an important one for building a bit of a compliancy platform and for collecting some momentum.

Just getting through TOM and on day 3 of being back on program -- I am starting to feel like I will be able to soon resume my shopping fun :mrgreen:. This time I was only detoured for about a week; a week that seemed like eternity but a week is far better than a month !

I was thinking about TOM time and what it seems to do to me regarding my eating challenges. First of all, my cravings for carbs and chocolate become absolutely outrageous. Yesterday the vague idea of cheese chips passed through my mind ... but it never had a pull and just went away. That *does not* happen when I am pmsing. Also, I am extra emotional when pmsing -- so, we have 2 ingredients for a more challenging compliancy test. Huge, physical off-program cravings and much more exaggerated (and deeper) emotions.

Judging from patterns that I have seen in myself over the past year and a bit, I figure I have 2 good weeks without this problem. And then leading up until TOM again, it gets increasingly more difficult. But, I have also noticed that giving in only makes it worse on many fronts, even just sheerly phyiscal-cravings. So, since my four week challenge will take me right into another TOM (and since I am not going to be altogether done with TOM for another decade or two), I guess I need to figure out how to cope a little better.

Believe it or not, we are going camping once again this weekend, but we are going back to the first place we went -- I like it better there by the coast than what our last excursion was (during which we got rained on and pretty grumpy :oops: ). On this coast, though, there are some small towns nearby whose clothing boutiques I wanted to check out 2 trips ago -- if I am feeling good this time around, I am going to let myself go if the spirit moves me.

I have been in the process of continuing to streamline my closet and drawers -- it's such a new feeling having a closet and drawers containing mainly only things that I absolutely love and feel great in ! It is inspiring for me.

WOW, I am a babbler this morning. I have to say one more thing before I sign off. Yesterday I was feeling pretty depressed and wasn't doing much about it. Well, eventually I had to get ready to teach, and so I decided to go ahead and put on one of my new outfits (that I got specifically to look more professional while teaching) and do my makeup. My mood completely changed as I went along ... I got a lot happier. Does this make me shallow ? I decided that it doesn't, and that what made me happy was being able to express a concept of art and beauty while taking care of myself.

Okay, I am making myself get out of here :-P.
Last edited by Karli on August 21st, 2007, 8:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby holberry » August 21st, 2007, 7:28 am

Morning Karli,
Another camping trip? Where do you go ? Sounds like fun.

Im with you , I love looking at my closet and seeing clothes that are really cute and really me. It can only get better!

Have a great day 3, you can do this :)
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