Thanks, Mickey !
Well, 2 days down, 27 to go ... hee hee. I am starting to feel a bit better and I am still fitting into all the clothes that I bought recently, and so that is a happy thing

Day 2, yesterday, was not easy only in the sense that it wasn't exactly physically comfortable for parts of the day (especially toward the second half of the day) -- other than that, it wasn't too shabby just getting through it. Getting through day number 2 is especially "big" for me, but today is day 3 and an important one for building a bit of a compliancy platform and for collecting some momentum.
Just getting through TOM and on day 3 of being back on program -- I am starting to feel like I will be able to soon resume my shopping fun

. This time I was only detoured for about a week; a week that seemed like eternity but a week is far better than a month !
I was thinking about TOM time and what it seems to do to me regarding my eating challenges. First of all, my cravings for carbs and chocolate become absolutely outrageous. Yesterday the vague idea of cheese chips passed through my mind ... but it never had a pull and just went away. That *does not* happen when I am pmsing. Also, I am extra emotional when pmsing -- so, we have 2 ingredients for a more challenging compliancy test. Huge, physical off-program cravings and much more exaggerated (and deeper) emotions.
Judging from patterns that I have seen in myself over the past year and a bit, I figure I have 2 good weeks without this problem. And then leading up until TOM again, it gets increasingly more difficult. But, I have also noticed that giving in only makes it worse on many fronts, even just sheerly phyiscal-cravings. So, since my four week challenge will take me right into another TOM (and since I am not going to be altogether done with TOM for another decade or two), I guess I need to figure out how to cope a little better.
Believe it or not, we are going camping once again this weekend, but we are going back to the first place we went -- I like it better there by the coast than what our last excursion was (during which we got rained on and pretty grumpy

). On this coast, though, there are some small towns nearby whose clothing boutiques I wanted to check out 2 trips ago -- if I am feeling good this time around, I am going to let myself go if the spirit moves me.
I have been in the process of continuing to streamline my closet and drawers -- it's such a new feeling having a closet and drawers containing mainly only things that I absolutely love and feel great in ! It is inspiring for me.
WOW, I am a babbler this morning. I have to say one more thing before I sign off. Yesterday I was feeling pretty depressed and wasn't doing much about it. Well, eventually I had to get ready to teach, and so I decided to go ahead and put on one of my new outfits (that I got specifically to look more professional while teaching) and do my makeup. My mood completely changed as I went along ... I got a lot happier. Does this make me shallow ? I decided that it doesn't, and that what made me happy was being able to express a concept of art and beauty while taking care of myself.
Okay, I am making myself get out of here
