Hi, ladies. Thanks for stopping in and lending a "hand". I have been doing a little thinking. Mickey, when you asked about emotional triggers, at first I thought "oh, no. Everything is just fine." So, no there weren't exactly triggers, but I realized there is something going on. At first when I thought about it, I thought "well, there is this thing ... but I don't think it's related

" -- but, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it is related (OF COURSE IT IS, KARLI !!).
There are two main things that are kind of constantly going on in my guts, so to speak. One has to do with my marriage, the other has to do with my career path. They are both pretty big things. And, when I think about this last year and the struggles with eating that I have had, it's been the same couple of things at the core of my emotional state, that seem to seek solace in food. Maybe sometimes we just get cravings, but I don't think that's what this is.
The reason I don't think this is just a craving is because I don't really believe I would be willing to sacrifice all my hard work for a flavor in and of itself. There is something else going on there.
The trap I don't want to get into is in thinking that I have to get these other things solved before I can hope to consistently eat right. I think the main point is that I need to learn to cope in healthier ways with whatever stresses I may be feeling. But, if those stresses are so much a part of my daily life (which they are) that I don't even realize they are there sometimes (I can just get "used" to some things, it seems), and dealing with them just disguises itself as a mere food craving, it's easy to not be aware of needing to deal with a problem in another way, if you know what I mean.
So, I think I need to realize that if I am venturing into a mental land in which I am feeling weak about my eating choices, even if I don't have an *unusual* pressing issue or know exactly what's going on with me emotionally, I can pretty much bet that *something* is and that I need to divert my efforts of coping and dealing (especially since eating doesn't actually solve a thing and is therefore not really coping with the problems). And, maybe I ought to stop running from these things that are actually consistently pressing for me -- but that I have been afraid to face and come to grips with.
I think I will seek some counseling.
Another thing is that I imagined some of the forumers in my head saying to me "You just don't want to be thin badly enough" -- I had a moment of trouble with this. For somebody who has watched myself be willing to put the rest of my life in danger in order to be skinny, it's a fine line to walk. However, when all is said and done, it's exactly true. If I wanted to be at my goal weight more than I wanted to eat cheese chips to cope with emotional problems, I wouldn't let the cheese chips stop me. So, yes, I want to be thin -- there is a lot to that for me -- but, just to soothe my inner sage who is constantly watching for eating disordered thoughts, I don't want to be thin enough to sabotage the rest of my life. I think I can trust myself.
In other news, I have not been working the program in the way I know works best for me. I have been eating both my bar and my L/G early, even when I don't have to. That has been happening mainly out of the same kind of emotional eating, actually. So, I will work the program today in the way I know works best for me. Also, I am having hubby lock up the chips (one of the only junkies around anymore -- I don't even let myself order my favorite MF bar (caramel nut) because I know I just can't be trusted).
So, weighed in at 174 this morning and I have changed my ticker to reflect it. I will say that I feel as though I am getting *somewhere* with all of this, considering the fact that I am actually still weighing myself and being accountable to myself even when things don't go down in an ideal way -- vs. hiding from the scale, hiding from the forum and hiding from myself.
Which, btw, I think I see the difference between "hiding away" and "alone time" -- when I am hiding away, I am actually even hiding from myself (and that's not exactly the kind of alone time that's going to be healthy for me).
I did indeed go on a bike ride last night -- not as big as we were originally planning, but still it was good to get out.
This is a LONG post

. Thanks for reading

Cheers !