Thanks very much, Jo !
Okay. I have felt a little lost or something this past week... and have been barely hanging on by threads the last couple of days. I am hoping to have turned a corner though. While I believe sometimes it is fashionable to play our accomplishments down, in the past year I have been needing to find a way to recognize my own successes in a level-headed manner.
After Roll Call this morning, and after a few weeks of plateuas and challenges, but staying on program despite it, I have to be kind to myself. I have realized that I have lost almost 30 pounds in 6 weeks, in a healthy way !! That is an average of nearly 5 pounds each week and I will take it. I am in the Two- "O's," nearly 30 pounds down, very close to my halfway mark, and creeping up on Onderland !! I am also truly starting to feel thinner and more comfortable, and see it, too.
Aside from those things, I have also seen myself on the very brink of binging and then realize each time why I don't need to do that. And then I didn't ! I feel like I may be truly learning how to control those urges, and while I know it would not be the end of the world if I slide off once, I really would prefer to be able to have a say in it if I went off or not, that just seems right.
My hubby is gone again for a little while, this next week is a very big week for me musically, I am in the midst of changing a BIG relationship situation which I have had for years, and I am feeling the new school-year starting to be gearing up again. I realize I have issues with eating and loneliness, as well as anxiety/stress, bordem and some other things. I might as well face up to that.
I am not going to make any huge proclaimations about what's to come, but I see a new path to gaining more strength and freedom and I know I need to just follow that obediently. ARGH !!... obedience. That is a whole other thing, but I have realized that I have often mistaken obedience with submissiveness or weakness, and I will admit heartily that I often resist the latter character trait with all my might. One of my goals this week is to really define the difference between those two things. I think it will help.
Thanks so much to those who offer your helping hand to me, I appreciate it very much
