Nickie -- yes, I think that you are right regarding sticking around. In general, even in real life, I do have patterns of kind of drifitng in and out of my relationships and the kind of time I spend in them. Part of this is because sometimes I just need space to think for myself and remember who I am without whomever's voice echoing in my head -- and, it's not even that the people's thoughts are wrong or bad, sometimes I just need to hear my own.
But, then there is a whole other element to it. Sometimes I am just plain hiding, and that is indeed where I can get into trouble sometimes. I will admit, I am a pretty intense person and pretty moody at times, and some of my distancing from others has to do with the fact that I can start to tell when I may be too much.
However, my aim, at this point, is to stabilize myself a bit more. The more I know you guys and gals, the more I realize what kind of people you are. And, though I don't know you in person, I can tell that generally this is truly a very supportive group who truly wants what is best for each other -- I can get on board with that. And, I would like to be able to reach my goal weight and report in to roll call each Sunday and say that I am maintaining my weight...
Awhile back I knew that I couldn't do that. I knew that I could stay in a ball park, but I knew I couldn't even fathom staying on one number (or thereabouts) week after week, month after month. But, I think that is exactly what I am seeking now ... I think that at least if nothing else, I am willing to try and am finding some form of confidence in that direction.
But, since I have felt the need to sometimes do things "my own way," I have sometimes felt that it's best if I just stay away. Some of that has to do with the fact that I feel easily judged, in general. I think, though, that I am starting to better grasp the character of the people here, and the atmosphere of the place in general.
Well, I don't know if this is making much sense ... but, there that stuff is anyway.