Hi, you guys ! Thanks for such wonderful messages !
A short little snippet of my day yesterday --
I ate a PB snack that was probably too big (yeah, there shouldn't be any probablies

) and I would rather not eat PB at all at this point.
I ate 2 bars.
I ate too much chicken and probably too much condiment.
Now, I am down another half a pound today, which is good, but I want to be a better worker of the program today. I scraped myself through my second day and hope to rock my third, today ! It's so ... funny/frustrating how certain mindframes can just kind of take a person over (they start off subtley). And, I recognize that justifying anything about too much of this and that yesterday will only serve to throw me off, eventually -- so, none of that justification business for me ! I want to be skinny !!
Okay. I must go and form my oatmeal delight and get myself a cup o' jo (no, not serendipity !)
Now, in the words of the wise and mighty Schwarzenegger :
I'll be Bach (that's for you, Nickie
