Thanks very much, ladies, for the warm welcome back

-- it has been very encouraging for me to have you be so kind and open-hearted towards me !
Well, I am happy to report a 4 pound loss overnight (yippeee !!

) which puts me back into the 60 pound club, at least. I know that some of the "extra" that I have been weighing is just bloat (I would get back down and then go back up ... yadda yadda), but I am not sure how much. Once I started exercising last Spring, I was often around 169, which means I am only about 6 pounds over where I left off (but I haven't seen that number in a while and that was up 7 pounds from where I had been
before I started exercising !).
I think that what I am seeking is to reach a lower weight without freaking out, and then I would really like to see if I can fathom staying steady there ... that is something I have KNOWN I wasn't ready for ... and I was doing *okay* though it's easy to get out of control and lately I have just had a difficult time truly compensating for my indulgences.
*sips coffee*
So, day two has been the toughie for me lately, and while I don't want to already be biting my nails regarding the day today, I want to at least brace myself. And, I know what actually works best for me regarding the plan (save the L/G for dinner, save the bar for my third meal), so I just need to stick to that plan and I should be fine

Thanks for asking about my music ! Well, I will begin with my audition mentor in September. She is in Montana right now at their "summer home" (sheesh ... but, she is officially retired so I guess I will allow it

). I have spent the last month pretty much freaking out about this coming year's schedule ... but slowly I am just stepping up to the plate and doing what I need to do ... and I am finding ways to plan my teaching around my performances and vice versa. It was difficult for me to realize that I had to think of myself as a performer first, and a teacher second. I don't know that I do think of it that way, exactly, but I know that I am okay with making performing more of a priority now.
So, that's it for now ! Thanks again for your support and if you think in my direction today, please send some supportive thoughts for my day # 2 !