Thanks so much, ladies !! Each of your posts have been extremely helpful for me, and very encouraging.
Well, it's my morning here and I am drinking my coffee after having had my morning oatmeal. I am just doing a bit of reflecting ...
I think that this whole thing, though obviously the program is very simple and straightforward (THANK GOD

!!), the whole journey is ... not necessarily complicated but, at least, it's a pretty big deal.
Something that I have realized is that while I was doing the bulk of the weightloss, I wanted to be so careful and aware and all of these things as I went along. I was wanting to try to deal with everything at once so I wouldn't just race to my goal and then have a bunch of "shock" to deal with after having gotten there. I think that I did get some stuff dealt with during that time, but, I am realizing that there is still some shock involved -- and maybe there is just no way around that (maybe just for me, though I doubt I am completely alone in that).
Another thing is that it seems that I have sneakily thought that I can somehow mentally live very similarly to the way I mentally lived when I gained hords of weight, and that this mental living would somehow just have different results this time. Well, I don't think so. In this, I am talking about living in a way where I know I am looking for love and acceptance in the wrong places -- and, feeling just a general lakadazicalness about life (the kind where mindless eating seems to just live freely in and completely *thrive*).
Also, I have been realizing that I eat differently now. Funnily, it has been in contrast with overeating lately, but I have HATED overeating (I actually always have hated this) it's just I was getting more and more out of control with it lately, and this put me right back into the same state of mind and existence that got me to my starting weight -- and, it's always a state of emergency. The difference now is, I actually *really* know what to do about it when I decide to step in on behalf of myself (not let the eating monster take over my life).
I guess what I mean by the above is that I
enjoy eating differently -- I really, really, really do !
I have recognized some signs that have told me that I am heading down a path that is not good -- for example, I have been participating less in my marriage and had a huge blow-up at hubby not too long ago (and, it really had nothing to do with him-- it was just my own issues). Yeah, I had some *serious* anger to work out about a week ago (not toward my hubby but about some things in my family).
I am pretty sure I am not sounding "together" right now, but, I am trying. I don't know. I guess we do need to work stuff out, it's just, what I have been doing lately could have (or still could) so easily led me straight back to obesity -- to be honest, I have had people's voices and examples from here in my head, helping me get through it and rousing me out of that dream-like state of existence that has tried to take me completely over (you know -- not conscious living exactly -- just existing).
Okay. I am going for now. You guys are amazing to me and I really love you so much !
Thanks very, very much
