Hi, Nickie. Thanks very much, and you know, you don't have to have my poundage be an excuse to come out and visit me

. And, you wouldn't even have to sleep in the yard, we have an extra bedroom

. And, if you DID come out, we could work on our first duo piano program

... hee hee.
Okay. Well, Sunday was absolutely *amazing* -- my first metric century bike ride. It was SO COOL

. I definitely got hooked and even though I was a little nervous that we bought my bike at first, I am not now. For awhile I was a little concerned that maybe I would not be 'into' biking as much as would justify the bike that we got me, but, I don't think that's going to be a problem because I LOVED being on it and riding and I even named him "Jimmy" hee hee. So, I have two months -exactly- before my next major ride, and that is indeed going to be *pretty*
major for me. That one is the same mileage-wise, but will involve quite a bit of climbing, too, so I am going to need to be training in these two months to get myself ready for it.
The good thing about this last ride is that it was long but flat. So, I got a really good chance to get used to just
being on my bike, figure out exactly how it all works, and to bond with it

-- which I did. And, now I have a better concept of exactly how long 60 miles IS. It's a mental effort, too.
Having events like this to aim for inspires me to get into the best shape I can. To eat as cleanly as I can, and to be lighter, stronger, faster, more stable and agile, all of that. It's very helpful for keeping me focused fitness-wise !
Yesterday was my b-day and I was having some mixed feelings about it. I don't necessarily make a point of celebrating my b-day (it's a philosophical thing for me), but I do often have some sort of something to 'work out' when it comes to be that time of the year. It's important to take a little stock, I think, in what's going on in one's life.
This last weekend I ate more garbage than I wanted to, for sure, but I have been getting myself back on track as of yesterday and today. I still need to be better about actually following through with what my truest eating desires are, vs getting starving and eating just whatever is at hand. Anyway, I have a lifetime to get it straightened out !
Cheers to All !