Yeah, that avatar pic was taken just before I started working out like crazy

. But, also, I have had my hair cut since then, too, so it's taken the hair off my neck, plus, minus the scarf, and suddenly my neck looks pretty thin. Also, the angle of my face is different in the two pics, too. I actually was never very thrilled about that avatar pic, but I decided to keep it to remind myself that a bad pic is not the end of me anymore ... it's just a bad pic

. That's my story and I am sticking with it

But, okay, I was at 162 before I started working out, and people said "NO MORE LOSING WEIGHT !! PROMISE ME !!" and I smiled and nodded saying "yes, okay"

. Then, I started working out, gained 5-7 pounds (not all because of working out, though

) and people said "HEY !! We said no more losing weight and I thought you promised not to ! Thus far and NO FURTHER" ... LOL. But, I WASN'T losing more weight, it just looked like it since I started toning up (I guess

Anyway, all of that to say that yes, there may actually be a difference

So, yeah, I am still having fun livin' it up, but, I have to reel it in a little bit, too. I have been struggling a bit with eating in this past week, and have found myself actually *craving* more MF food in my diet. My fallback plan is always to stop working out and do the 5/1 for a few days or a week (if I felt I needed that), but I am not ready for that right now.
Ideally, I would like to be around 162, I think, but that stupid thing of me tripping myself up when I get close to my goal weight (165) keeps assuring me I will not get where I am trying to go. So, I am staying off the scale for awhile, since those particular numbers tend to do me in.
One of the things that was majorly stressing me out has now resolved, and it was in an unexpected way, to tell you the truth. I have mixed feelings about it, but have learned some really important lessons. Pretty vague, I think, but, I am vague sometimes

. In the meantime, I am working my little (:mrgreen:) hiney off trying to get some things back into order for myself.
It's funny, sometimes I don't realize that things are falling apart simply because I need to make a new adjustment to include some new aspect of my life in my organization and schedule. So, instead of wasting time trying to get my schedule back to what it was, I need to adjust it to include something that may even have felt like it was throwing my former schedule off balance.
Anyway, I will cut myself off now and get outdoors for my hike with doggy. PLUS, today I am taking two of my little girls (students) out for dessert (they will have it, I will not

). I am really looking forward to that !!