Thanks for your good will

, it's quite helpful and meaningful to me.
Now, this stuff is hard for me to write about, but since I am sincerely trying to make some changes in my life here, I am going to put this down simply to document and try to remain emotionally neutral about this all. Once again, I just feel like this is the safest place for me to work through this stuff.
*enjoys a bowl of MF chicken noodle soup*
I was starting to feel like saying "for some reasons temptations are becoming more difficult for me to handle..." but that's not the whole thing. I know better than that. I am getting to a point of feeling a bit of success on this program... things are going well, but change can be difficult for me. I am feeling more confusion on my path in life... searching for direction and that is when the "voices" come in. And I think that underneath the temptations, it's those voices that I am having more of a hard time with than anything.
It seems that thoughts are wanting to creep in... thoughts that seem to often hold me back in life or sabotage my efforts after some success....
"you can't do it"
"even if you do it, you can't maintain it... you are not strong enough, disciplined enough, good enough"
"even if you do it and maintain it, what difference would it really make ? To you, to the people around you... or to the world ?"
I am here to state (even if I don't believe it in full at the moment) that these thoughts are not mine !!! They are impositions on me, and I don't have to give them power, nor do I need to live them out. It is my birth-rite to live my fittest self, and that's what I am doing with each movement I make in honor of that; even here and now.
I will not be persuaded to give up. And if I did give up, for what in exchange ? To live in doubt, self-pity and fear ? No thanks, that's just not living as far as I am concerned. I have the strength and fortitude to live as I want to live, and nothing can take that away. Not confusion, not doubt, not fear -- because I know who I am and that's where I stand, right here, right now, and there is no room for anything else.
I remember the reasons I have for losing this weight, for eating better, and for not giving into temptations -- even a little -- and they are worthy and good.
hee hee... I feel better now even not having posted this yet. But, though I am a little embarrased about this little talk with those voices, I am going to post it anyway. I may need it later and it could be helpful then. here goes...