bikipatra wrote:Okay, just no Britney buzz cuts!
hee hee... no Britney buzzes for me, thanks

Lauren, I very much appreciate your post. I actually have been inwardly pleading that somebody would step in here and help me out a bit. Yeah, your post affirms some of my thoughts and I realize that, in a sense, I have been letting myself "indulge" a bit with the bars because I know I need more calories and I love them. But, even that is just not worth it (plus, I actually get kind of tired of them).
So, yeah, I am going to cut down on those and today I have had only one and I plan to keep it that way. I have actually upped my protein in the past week, it is currently at twice as much, plus a 1/2 c. of cottage cheese. I have been eyeballing yogurt lately, because I think that would keep me in ketosis, and fulfill some of my hunger needs. But, the ones I have seen have a lot of carbs, and almost all of those being sugars (and too many calories to have it be like a regular supplement), so I have just not wanted to go there. I think the one exception that I have seen is goat milk yogurt. I will look for the stuff that you have suggested.
Today I am basically doing a 5/1, as it turns out -- though we'll see what the evening brings. I definitely feel a little lower on energy, but, I still just don't want to give up on that goal of 155. Or, at least 160.
Yes, I was thinking about it on my hike with doggy, I consider myself to be in full athletic training right now. Training for what ? Just to be the best athlete I can be right now. I just have to do it, I owe it to myself. I am doing full-on power-lifting with about 12 or 15 different lifts, power hiking, power everything. My goal is to gain strength, speed, and agility -- and I am actually accomplishing this goal. I am definitely gaining a lot of muscle, and I know because I can see it. My legs, arms and buttocks are currently the most obvious to me right now, but I know I am gaining it *everywhere* that I am working (which is pretty much my entire body). My overall shape is changing.
Btw, these days in my life I would never try to do a workout completely empty, and I hadn't been. But, I was only having a regular suppy when I wake, then an additional bar to prepare for my workout. But, once I started hitting 600-700 calories gone, I would feel my body bonking and either need to add more mid-workout, or stop. There is no way I can do 800-1000 on an oatmeal packet and a bar. So, I tried having my L/G of the morning before I worked out (normally my post-workout meal), but that was just a load of burps waiting to happen. So, something like the yogurt sounds like it could be perfect.
Anyway, I really do appreciate your post and appreciate any insights you feel like dishing my direction (or anybody else, too). You are right, I can't let my caloric frets rule my workouts. It's just that I still want to lose a little weight, so I feel I need to be conscious of it and I am really trying very hard to learn what I am doing here. It just doesn't seem obvious. I have decided to try to stay emotionally detached, though, because why should I let myself get all emotional about this ?
Okay. Cheers !