Donica, thanks so much for your post. I really appreciate it !! It's great to have you back

. I understand what you mean about the whole being unique bit. I was just thinking about this the other day (and I think about it on occasion anyway), about how nobody sees things quite the way we see them (and we do not see things quite the way they do). And, this is a great feeling as well as a lonely feeling. But, everybody is in the same boat ! Anyway, thanks so much

Okay. So, some interesting/exciting stuff. The other day as I was getting in a good cardio workout, I realized how I have held back sometimes in life. What stood out to me at the time, in particular, was my athletics. For example, I wanted to be a sprinter in track and field. So, during our warmups, I always made a point of racing in my mind (

) as our entire team ran around the track. Well, the coaches started noticing, I guess, because soon they began asking me to consider being on a relay team. Well, first of all, back then I thought nobody noticed me, but when they started asking me to be a part of a relay team, I was actually very convinced that they were kidding around with me. I couldn't believe that somebody actually believed in me, so instead of taking a chance and doing something that I actually wanted to do, I chose to back away.
Well, as I was working out the other day and these thoughts were coming clear to me, I realized that I have been doing this same thing with piano performance. During my senior year in Uni, I gave my senior recital which was my first solo recital ever. Well, I didn't live up to my standards and that experience completely changed my entire life. Then I graduated and had to really come to grips with finding my own way, and there were all these things that wanted to keep me pinned down in my head. And, I had actually been pretty depressed about all that for a few years, up until this last summer (same summer I started MF).
Well, recently 4 different venues have asked that I give a concert there. Funnily, I didn't have to do the seeking, they sought me. And, I have been backing away from these opportunities, feeling inadequate and very fearful -- very similar to how I was with my athletics in highschool. Until last week, when I remembered how I was with my athletics, and had I just pushed foward with those, I know I would have had a much different experience. I realized that I was doing exactly the same thing with my piano performing career and that I just needed to push forward.
When I got home, I finally decided to contact one of the venues and book a concert. So, October 4th, 2007 will be my second solo piano concert ever... and I am *really* excited. Having taken this step is HUGE for me, and I just know that I have to be in the best shape I can be for this. It's such a different (BETTER

) feeling being thinny on stage than feeling like I need to be so conscious of what my body looks like to all of those eyes

Taking this step has given me the courage to book other concerts, too. I haven't actually booked them yet, but I know that I will. Things are changing, and I like it !!