*warning, heading into epic posting territory

Well, lots of thoughts this morning. After spending the last 24 hours sick to my stomach and head because of my decision to go off-plan, I am ready to be really honest here (though a little scared).
First of all, I want to thank you wonderful women for your posts. I have to say, I pretty much thought, once again, that maybe people would just slowly back away and give up on me. But, I should know better than that by now. I feel a bit like a jumbled up box of string, but I know that it's all going to be okay. Maybe I need to unwind some stuff, but it's all going to be okay.
I don't really know where to start, so I am just going to jump right in the water ! Yesterday I made myself go on my hike with doggy, as I had been planning to do (and promising doggy I would do) all week long. Well, I knew I wasn't going to be able to burn off everything that I ate in that one hike, and so even though the exercise might help me a bit in that realm, burning off the food was not why I was doing it. Keeping my good habits was the reason.
When I was hiking yesterday, after I posted in here, I felt like such a slug. And, it wasn't just mental. My stomach ached and my body felt fatigued and I couldn't walk very fast, let alone try to run like I like to do when I feel like I can and had been doing for the past two weeks. My system was so busy dealing with and recovering from the food I had put into it, it couldn't do much of anything else -- which is pretty much how I permanently felt before I MF'd my life ! And, along those lines, something I have been thinking about lately is how health attracts healthy habits, and healthy habits attract health -- whereas ickyness attracts more ickyness. When I am feeling poopy, it seems I go ahead and wallow in it for awhile, often just piling more poopyness right on top of myself with my thoughts and actions.
Anyway, on my hike I was sorting through a bunch of stuff as I often do on my hikes. A couple of things seemed to come clear for me.
1. I have grown to really need this forum and you people on here. I have come to think of you as my friends and supports. And, I have spent the last couple of weeks trying not to need you. It's my closeness issues flaring up. And my pride. I have been letting pride rule parts of me, a bit, over these last couple of weeks.
2. I realized very clearly that the reason I ate off-program this weekend is because I gave myself permission to do it. As a matter of fact, when I am really, truly honest about it all, I could say I was even planning to do it on some level. This was all sub-conscious, but,
present none-the-less. I had stuff calculated out and since Sundays are my regular 5/1 days, I had, at one point during the week, decided that if I were going to go off-plan, Friday and Saturday would be the day to do it since I would spend that Sunday in 5/1 no matter what. I did go into the weekend
hoping and
wishing to make it through without a problem, but simple impatience is also part of this mix.
So, impatience. Yep, that's a big part of this for me. I feel impatient. I want things NOW -- and I don't just mean food. I mean, I want to weigh 155 NOW ! And, I want to be my fittest self, NOW !! And, I want to be in maintenance NOW !! And, the more I mess things up for myself, the more impatient I become because my messing things up sets me back. I could have been at goal and into maintenance months ago. Well, there is nothing I can do about that now except for keep going. I never planned to take as long as I have, but, really it hasn't been THAT long considering the work I have done on myself. But, I do see the need for an attitude adjustment.
Well, it will take me at least this entire week to undo the damage I did over this weekend, and if I set myself back again next weekend, which has been my trend lately, I will just have to undo, again, what I have been undoing for weeks now. And, that is where I wonder "why do I do this to myself ?" -- I really just don't know why I let myself stall like this.
It's as though these past couple of weeks I have been a different person during the week -- when I am working out and eating right. I have been somebody that I have longed to be and wanted to be. But, this person is such a contrast to the girl who allows herself to wallow in her sadness and anger by stuffing food, that it's actually a bit scary and confusing.
Anyway, it's not that I need to just not go off program, it's that I need to not give myself permission to do so. And, that seems a lot trickier to me because it can't be anybody else's voice in my head telling me this -- it has to be between me and God -- in order for it to really resonate with me. I guess, though, that does sometimes come through others, and, okay, I won't push you wonderful people away from me. You can tell me whatever you feel you need to tell me, and I will work on humility and listen.
Well, time to get ready for churchy church. I have more to say, of course, but that will be later I guess.