Nancy wrote:Isn't it a

blast to wear fetching clothing?

. Thanks so much for your support, Nancy.
And thank you, also, Biki and Jonna ! And, Katie, thanks so much ! I am really looking forward to posting some updated photos, which should be pretty soon now

. I suspect that you are already feeling better everyday, and that you will feel just great at goal !
Well, I have been a bit low on energy this week, and I have been very reflective -- so reflective, that I have just been pretty anti-social, which is definitely how I get sometimes. I have a lot of stuff going through me right now, good memories, "bad" memories ... just my life. It's as though I am saying goodbye to a whole chunk of stuff that has been part of how I view myself in my everyday life for years now.
This morning when I was driving to the gym, I was mulling something over that I had done awhile back (I don't even remember what it is now), and that I felt pretty stupid about. I mean, this was years ago, and really, it's not THAT big of a deal. And, I sometimes beat myself up about it (still can't remember what it is

). I gave myself a talking to and asked if this was how I was going to live the rest of my life ? Of course, I realized how silly it would be to answer "yes." So, my militant self said I needed to let it go and move on.
All throughout my workout this morning (strictly cardio) it was a similar experience. My effort this morning, in each moment, took on some kind of tone to it. I was recalling a feeling of "holding back" that I have let stop me so many times in my life. And, yes, sometimes we get wise intuitions that we want to heed and they may protect us from harm, but this is not what I am talking about, and deep down, I DO know the difference. I am talking about just plain fear that I simply won't measure up, that I won't be good enough, that people are going to laugh at me for believing and trying. There were SO many times I held back in my athletics, and when I felt that this morning, remembering what that felt like to hold back because of that fear, I pushed harder while I was working out today ... because I could and I am done holding back (or at least I would like to live more boldly). This hasn't just been in my athletics, but in every facet of my life ... and it's time for more changes to take place.
Well, those are my "deep" thoughts for today. I suspect a lot will come dumping out of me in the next week or so, as I have been "digesting" a lot these days.
In other news, I did a little math this morning and realized that I need to increase my calorie intake. The rate I was going, I was leaving myself with about 500 calories or less to burn during the day after my workouts. And, there is post-workout calorie burning, too, that I don't know much about other than the fact that my metabolism is working much more efficiently all day long because of my workouts in the morning. It's no wonder I have been feeling pretty low on energy this week and I alraedy feel a bit better today after having had a bigger meal post-workout.
Generally I am adding more protein by putting half a cup of LF cottage cheese in my diet, and now today, 2 eggs (one egg with my post-workout meal, and one hard-bolied egg either as a snack between meals, or on my salad tonight) -- along with my 7 ounces of chicken (I think I may also add another shake or maybe more PB). But, since Tuesday, I have also added another cup of veggies to my daily intake. I, more or less, have considered myself in the first stage of "transition" for the past few days. I am still in ketosis and a bit undecided if I want to knock myself out by adding fruit in the next few days. I am not going to rush that stage but let the extra veggie stage last as long as I want it to. I will know when it's the right time to go on to the next step.
In the meantime, I am still just loving my workouts and it is all just feeling like habit/routine to me. I look forward to my workouts every morning and I just relish the thought of what it's doing for me in all ways ! In terms of my physique, I am really starting to see a difference. Prior to really working out again, my stomach was still a bit looser than I would like it to be, and though it's not where it will be in a few months, it's already better and quite acceptable to me. My problem spots are become less problematic, my new clothes are fitting looser than when I got them several days ago, and I am starting to feel like I can really accept where I am at and be at peace with it all. I am starting to realize that if there are still people out there who think I look fat, or look at my problem spots and think secret thoughts, I really just don't care because I am okay with where I am at and where I know I can get from here.
Well, time to hit the shower !