Nickie, thank you very much for your post, I can't even explain how much it means to me, but it really speaks right to my core. You know, and I think you do

, you really hit the nail on the head and I feel so satisfied to be able to share this feeling in some way, with others.
I do indeed feel 'awakened' and as though I am awakening. This is in conjunction with some recent (in the past month) and specific conversations I have had with "
the man upstairs." But, I feel as though I have been given another chance at something really amazing and something that was revealed to me about a decade ago, but that I just wasn't ready for at the time so I actually pushed it away. The essence of it all is in continuing to have the occasion to experience and be affirmed in knowing that God is loving, forgiving, and truly cherishing our own highest self.
Ever since I had a similar awakening about 10 years ago, I feel like amidst my pushing away of what it means to me, I have also been trying to "get it back" (though I think it's never really gone anywhere). That is all I will say about all of that right now, because, afterall, most of it I just need to
live each day and in everything that I do and say (which is a pretty tall order ... I mean, that would take
eternity, don't you think ?

Today while I was hiking (which was completely incredible for me, btw) I was thinking about a lot of these things. I often take time in nature to think about these things, and I feel close to God while I am there. And, I was also thinking about your question to me, from awhile ago, about how these changes have affected my relationship with my husband.
I have been giving that question some honest thought, because I have needed to. Actually, I think it's always a very good idea to "check in" with how one is feeling in their relationships. Anyway, it's tough for me to put into words because I am still just gaining perspective on it. I will say that, for me, this weight-loss journey has truly never been "about" the weight, but about a life-style change (which includes the weight). And, losing the weight has just been part of a bunch of changes I have been striving to make in my life (for years, really). The biggest thing that I notice in having had these changes begin to really take place outwardly, is that I had/have been a lot more honest with myself.
So, that honesty has led to a lot of things, and I suspect it will lead to more than I can even fathom at this point. I am more honest with my husband, and because of this, I feel more intimate with him in the deepest sense of that word. I really feel like I am beginning to share my life with him. And, like I am beginning to share myself with him. I am more willing to share and be open with him in general, I am more patient (though I certainly can work on that more), I am more loving (also always in need of more work). And, I think these qualities are a direct result of feeling more at peace with myself/with life.
As I have been taking these amazing hikes with doggy, my bond even with him is changing. I am not as jealous at his ability to bound over logs and raveens, and make it look effortless. When I run, he runs with me, and somehow I can tell he loves me for it. And, though my husband is obviously much different than my dog, I realized that in some respects, my response in this particular arena will be similar. I have honestly been a little jealous of my husband's fitness. He actually *amazes* me with his bicycling. And, because of that jealousy, I think I have been a lot less patient and understanding than I really want to be, when he decides to go biking instead of spend time with me (which used to happen frequently and we still need to check in with each other on that one).
But, when I think about the summertime and what that brings, my husband is not going to be at work everyday for 10 weeks. And, he loves to use that time athletically, of course. And, in my truest nature, so would I. So, I envision he and I doing more physical activities together, like bigger hikes and backpacking trips, even some bicycle rides together, without me getting frustrated, angry, and being generally completely horrible to be around ... LOL. I guess I feel like this world that I used to feel left out of in his life, will suddenly be open in a whole different way, and that this will lead to more bonding experiences for us. And, I can find the courage in myself to embrace this bonding with him, instead of fear it (I have had pretty major issues with closeness).
Also, I just know that he is truly proud of the work I have done to get where I am at. And, he is genuinely happy for me. It's been wonderful, really, to be able to share this time with him -- even the ups and downs. And, he has known for years how I really want to live my life, and I think it's very satisfying for him to see me really getting there and beginning to do it.
Overall, I just feel closer with him, and I feel a desire to continue to grow closer to him. I will have more to share as time goes on, but that's the best I can describe it for now. Thanks for asking
