Thanks for the hug Diana

, and thanks for chiming in aloha

Okay. I had another foodmare, but this one was a mini. I was drinking a regular coffee with real sugar and cream in it, and it wasn't a decided cheat, it was a mindless one (though I never used to drink caffinated coffee before, either). Also, I have read that we are "allowed" coffee and we can even add a little milk or cream, but I know we are not supposed to add the real sugar.
Anyway, once again, I am happy it wasn't real and I KNOW it came from my thoughts yesterday.
The things I have to watch the closest are not these desires to "cheat" but these mindless, habitual mentalities that have wired me into thinking certain ways. So, it's like I just get these impulses to go get food from such and such a place, just because I am out driving around... and then I remember I am not eating that way right now, nor do I want/need to obey such impulses anyway, no matter how I am eating.
I have actually been cooking quite a bit for my husband, and while I am not tempted to "cheat", I have to keep close watch on my impulses that I don't do something without thinking about it, like tasting whatever it is that I am cooking and so on.
So, it's like my biggest fear is that I will just do something in a mindless manner that is not on program, yet is not a purposeful "cheat" either. That I will do it just because I got the impulse and forgot that I am making changes... LOL. Sounds sort of silly, but it's very true.
What I have realized even further is the need to rewire my thinking and mentality. The thing is, I always remember before I act on the impulses, and each time I realize that even if I was not eating a lower calorie diet these days, I genuinely don't wish to be ruled by hungerless impulses anymore. So no matter what diet I am maintaining, that mentality is not something I want to live by anymore.
And that's why I liken MF/TSFL as something like a school. A "place" to learn how to train my mentality, as well as my reactions to my mentality. I feel safe in it, I suspect, because of the structure of the schedule. When I get these impulses I can tell myself that I will be eating in such and such amount of time and that I just ate at such and such amount of time before. I know that I am getting everything that I need from the supplements that I am eating, and I don't have to obey those impulses that try to convince me to just eat for the sake of eating.
I plan to keep a somewhat formal structure to my eating while in transition and in maintenance. This way, I know when I am really hungry and can't seem to make it to the next meal (though this has rarely happened even in the weightloss portion of MF) vs. these impulses convincing me that I'm hungry and that it's time to eat. Don't know if this makes any sense, but there it is for now.
In other news, I got past my three day plateau of 217.5 and lost another pound as of this morning. I did walk doggy yesterday, so perhaps that helped things along. I am trying the full fast today (and maybe tomorrow), 6 supplements instead of 5/1, and no bar.