by Karli » February 20th, 2007, 9:43 am
*warning, this is an epic posting* ... hee hee.
Well, weighed in 3 times at 166.5 this morning -- that's my normal "make it official" routine. But, later on I stepped on again to see if maybe it dropped another half a pound (which it often does after I am awake for about 15/30 mins), but it was actually up again. I am hoping that tomorrow will be at least as low as what I am deciding to count today (I am counting what I reported since I technically should not have weighed again after having done my normal rountine with three magic times and it falling in my 15/30 mins of being awake time).
Anyway. Some interesting things are going on for me inside. Some of it is too fresh to put into words... I really like to let stuff ripen in there before I commit it to wording (because it's just really important to me to be able to live up to the things that I say (which doesn't always happen)).
I will briefly share one little aspect of it that I KNOW is ready for words; I have had some kind of click in myself about re-defining what "binge" means to me. I glimpsed something about this a few weeks back when I was struggling with some stuff. I realized the need to define what exactly a binge is (for me). But lately it has meant even more to me and has become even more pertinent for me. I guess that's all I will say about it right now.
In other news, but in areas that still affect my eating, I have been going through a process of weeding out of my psyche worries that I simply shouldn't need to have about my life, yet still "want" to hold onto or carry around with me. I mentioned some stuff along these lines awhile back, but now I have a stronger dose of what it means to me and I feel a little more active in taking it seriously. I even know why I seem to "want" to hold onto these worries, too. That's all the more specific I will get about this particular subject for now.
This last bit is pretty important to me because I know that one of my triggers is to eat out of anxiousness. Something I have been working with over the past few years, just as a general self-improvement, is this exact feeling of anxiousness that I, after a point, let run rampid in myself (and this had a very negative affect on my life). A lot has changed for me with this over the years, but I still see the need to get even better. Ultimately, what this all means to me is that I will free up my mind and my energy to really focus on a different kind of life.
This different kind of life is one that is richer and deeper than ever. Better love, more soul, bolder artistry. I recognize that I have let myself focus too much on "projects" like losing weight -- always keeping the need and desire to lose weight around in order to have this focus in my life -- to be able to say that I am really living from my core. My core calls to be heard and listened to; it wants a life (and a BIG one at that -- it needs A LOT of space), but I am scared to listen to it and live it. Now that this particular "project" of losing weight is so far underway and in "danger" of coming to a close, of sorts, I find that part of me who "needed" that focus to be somewhat in a panic at times.
"Well, where do I go ? What do I now ?" Pretty soon there will be no use for that part of me who focused so much on needing to lose weight. This is the fundamental cause behind my "freak outs" about reaching goal, I believe. I guess it's just time to step up to the plate a little more now.
And, moving back to the idea of my core needing a lot of space in life, funnily enough I realize even more clearly my fear or shyness about "taking up space." I have felt this to an extent because of my physical characteristics (being tall, being fat) but, really, I am even more afraid of this in really claiming and taking the kind of space my core tells me it needs to help it thrive. This is a very interesting point that I will pay attention to.
My journey is all about separating the dross from the gold. It's funny. I listened to the recording of my last concert. Even though I have recieved some very positive feedback, when I heard it, I couldn't stand it. I sounded "pretty," sure, and there were things that I could do with that -- I have developed a sense of control with that. And, it's not that I want to sound ugly, but, I can hear a certain fear of being ugly in my voice. What I hear in my voice is a reflection of a deeper characteristic that I realize the need to come to terms with; I am afraid that by living my life from my core, I will somehow be uglier and be cast out of society. That sounds extreme, but that's what it actually boils down to. In essence, what this translates to is that I fear that by being more of me, I will somehow get uglier. And, I mean ugly in all senses of that word. I am afraid that I will have to face my ugliness as a human being (and actually, I probably do need to do that), and, of course I don't want to see that. Maybe because I think I don't know what to do with it.
But, as I said up above in a previous post, what matters most is my sincerity and honesty with myself. Maybe it's time to let myself really look into the mirror.
Something else that I have realized is that I really live my life with my face. I recognize this sense that I have felt throughout most of my life that if my face looks a certain way -- pretty, pleasant, happy, satisfied -- everything will be okay. Well, this is *HUGE* to me. It's time to live my life with my entire self, including my entire body. I guess that's why I love athletics so much. Even that, being an athlete, is taking on a whole new, deep, wonderful meaning to me. I see how important it is to my sense of identity. hee hee... well, I am now feeling very inspired.
I will go now.
MF plan for the day :
7 -- oatmeal
10 -- shake or hot cocoa
1 -- bar
4 -- RTD
7 -- L/G
9 -- pudding or hot cocoa
Last edited by
Karli on February 20th, 2007, 10:05 am, edited 4 times in total.