So, I am hanging around a bit lately. I guess I need it to keep myself on track. Not sure I will be heading outside for a run today, it's pretty stormy. Which means that I may not have my extra suppy at all since so far I am doing just fine in this area (it's later that really starts to get me, it seems). That's fine. The way it's set up I don't need to worry about it. Plain and simple.
A lot of what I have been doing with my life lately has been pointing me in the direction of something I learned when I took a rock-climbing class a number of years ago :
"Trust your equipment"
Pretty plain and simple, but it's kinda resonated with me for many things over the years. For example, I need to trust my preparation systems as I prepared my music for this weekend. I need to trust my instrument as I perform. And, I need to trust the plan that I have through MF in dealing with my eating and my weight. When I worry about any of these things, I am only adding extra stress that simply doesn't need to be there.
One pattern I have noticed about myself is that everytime I get within 10 pounds of what my said goal weight is, I go off program. I just freak out and go through this big "thing." This seems to be the case each time I pass into a lower decade of numbers, too. And the lower it gets, the harder it seems to not give into this whole thing. I guess I will just brace myself a bit for what's coming.
It's just so strange how moving my goal weight to 155 makes a difference for me mentally. There have been a number of times now where I feel this strange anxiety festering about my weight and being in the 60's, and then I hear this other voice say : "well, your goal weight is 155 now so it's okay" and then I feel my whole body relax. What's the frikin' deal ? I wasn't even aware of this "situation" so clearly before. Geez. I just start pushing up against some big wall, and it seems literally very strange to me that there are people who just get to their goal without this resistence toward the end.
But, see, everything in my life is like that

. I have a difficult time finishing things without meeting some big resistence in the process. Getting my degree, for example, was a pretty major thing for me. I think there is a major sense of fear involved, mixed with some kind of thought that I don't deserve whatever it is that I am reaching for. I know I am not alone in this as I have a couple of friends and acquaintances that only have to finish a project and they would graduate, but they don't. I am sure there is something somebody could psycho analyze about it.
But who cares, right ? I am trying not to worry about it and just push forward. Sometimes just pushing forward is best, I guess. And, along those lines, I am going to call somebody and book a piano concert for July. This is going to be a MAJOR step for me and if I actually do book this concert, I will know there has been some big time progress in my life.
So, my MF day as it is actually shaping up :
6:30 -- oatmeal
9:30 -- shake
12:30 -- s'mores bar
3:30 -- RTD
6:00 -- L/G
9:00 -- Hot cocoa