hmmm... Well, I am just writing to write, it's one of the things that I do. Thanks for the comments, and Shadow, I find your post very interesting. I am thinking about some of that stuff because I feel that at least my view on everything around me is changing. Ultimately, I do not think other people define our identity, and that we have the strength to be who we are no matter what they might think of us, but of course, they certainly do have their perceptions, don't they ?
Anyway, I gained a pound overnight. Not sure why... but I guess I will keep Unca's words in mind that this happens at times. It gives me anxiety about roll call tomorrow... LOL... which is not something I want.
Here is just an interesting observation ...
There is a big pile o' papers and junk sitting on the floor of my office that I need to sort through and find homes for (some of it will just belong in the recycling bin). I am procrastinating, as I often do with this particular problem (because it's tough to know where to start). But, I do notice that in the past few years I had felt like having this kind of pile stack up takes my life over and suddenly everything else needs to stop so I can get it together.
Well, I don't feel quite like that this time. I just see the pile and I almost go down the same road as I have in the past, but then I just think "yes, I need to clean that" and that's the end of the crisis. It no longer feels symbolic to my insides... or if it is, I feel like I am doing something about the insides now, so I can handle the outward pile up.
Don't know if that makes any sense... it's tough to explain, but it's somehow meaningful to me.

. And I love my life. I am grateful for my life, and I am grateful to have found this forum, and I am grateful to be taking the footsteps I am taking. I am looking forward to what the future unfolds, and I am expectant of blessings. Receptivity to good is sometimes harder to achieve than the good itself.