bikipatra wrote:Karli, I was just considering what a vistory it was that you wanted to overeat VEGETABLES. And you didn't even have to do that. Isn't that a change from where most of us started?
Hi, Biki

. Thanks, yeah, I guess it's a change. But, I suppose I have a tendency to second guess myself "is it real and lasting and something I can count on ?" type of thing.
But, been thinking today. Thinking and thinking ....

I am realizing very much that I have an appetite for life. I want adventure. I don't want to be constantly putting my life in danger, but I want the kind of experiences that really make me appreciate life and grow because of them. That is the kind of life I want to live. When I really let myself accept this and feel this truth within me, I feel such a zest that I cannot explain.
What I have also realized is that I am often frightened by my own desire to live. It's so huge somtimes that I feel like I don't know what to do or how to go about living out what it is that it seems I want. I am working on that, for sure.
As a side note, and along those lines, Nickie, I will add that I don't claim to be "anywhere" in particular with my life; professionally nor in any other way. The only discernable "place" I am at with it, is on the right path, and that's enough for me.
In getting back to what I started talking about, as I turn my gaze from food and eating to life itself, I realize how much I have been hiding behind food, eating, and fatness. My adventures became about textures and flavors, instead of
performing, for example. Funnily enough, it was never truly satisfying nor fulfilling. It never gave me the actual adventure I was really looking for; it never gave me the life that I really wanted and it never will.
I would like to engage my imagination in how I can better express my adventureous spirit. I would like to express more creativity than holding food accountable for my well-being has allowed me to do.
As I am working to accept that my life of eating will be limited to eating simply for the sake of staying alive, I realize the need to further turn myself to the life I really want to be living... and that's scary and exciting at the same time. I am going to make mistakes, but I will learn from them. I will be faced with challenges that I don't always know how to instantly solve, but I will learn from them. Sometimes I will be afraid, but I will turn to Truth and accept guidence. Sometimes I will hurt, but I will turn to Love and accept comfort. Food is not my god. It has never had the power to give me the life that I want, nor will it ever have that power. I know where that comes from, and it's NOT in eating.
I realize that sometimes there will be setbacks and things won't be exactly as I would like for them to be. Perhaps I will work to keep these setbacks in check, at least. For example, I find myself suddenly faced with the temptation these last few days to eat what is not on program. I guess I feel angry about that because just last week I did not have the same urges and challenges. But, perhaps instead of letting this anger rule me, I will work to learn a new skill now. Instead of acting on these impulses, I will divert them to living my life in some way that I am actually
deeply craving. That is my vow for this week and my way of staying compliant no matter what. I will focus on learning this skill this week, and at the end of the week, whatever the scale is going to read, my setback will have been in needing to continue to confront these same sorts of urges, instead of having them and then following through with them. There's a big difference there.
When I think about the life that I want to be living, there are some specific things that I can see on the horizon, but it has more to do with wanting a deeper form of preparedness for whatever I may be faced with in life. That IS my life. And, though my eating may have taken a route that seems more limited, eating is not my very being, it's not my very life, and therefore limiting that one factor does not somehow limit my life and ability to live it. And, as a matter of fact, keeping this balance in my life actually provides me greater strength, courage, and freedom in living the life I truly want to live.
Thoughts for now.